The world’s second-largest toymaker and Asia’s biggest technology group will launch their first joint digital initiatives later this year and one of them is likely to be an online game designed especially for China.
Lego has sometimes struggled with its digital projects but China has been a rare unalloyed bright spot for the toymaker after more than a decade of stellar sales growth came to a halt last year.
The Danish toymaker jettisoned its chief executive after only a few months on the job in 2017, bringing in a younger leader and touting his digital experience.
Under the partnership, Lego-branded games will be developed, published and operated on Tencent’s popular gaming platforms in China.
The toymaker will also seek to get round restrictions that prevent Lego videos published on YouTube from being played in China by putting them on Tencent’s own video service.
The partnership will also seek to bring Lego Life, a social media network for young children that the toymaker has launched in 26 countries, to China as well as publish the online operating system for its Boost coding toys.
这一合作伙伴关系还将寻求把Lego Life(乐高在全球26个国家推出的面向儿童的社交媒体网络)带到中国,并为其Lego Boost编程玩具发布在线操作系统。
Lego executives underlined the emphasis on safety in the partnership. The toymaker has long been worried about the potential misuse of its products online. Some former executives have bemoaned that the company’s conservative approach to the digital world has allowed the likes of Minecraft to steal a march on the toymaker.
“We’ve seen more and more Chinese children engage with the world digitally, and the partnership will bring them safe and imaginative digital Lego content,” said Jacob Kragh, general manager of Lego in China.
乐高中国区总经理雅各布•克拉格(Jacob Kragh)表示:“我们看到越来越多的中国儿童通过数字技术与世界互动,这一合作伙伴关系将给他们带来安全、富于想象力的数字乐高内容。”
Lego’s attempts to replicate the build-anything potential of Minecraft have flopped, first with Lego Universe and then Lego Worlds failing to capture children’s imagination.
乐高尝试复制《我的世界》中建造虚拟世界的努力都未获成功,先是《乐高宇宙》(Lego Universe),然后是乐高世界(Lego Worlds),都没能抓住孩子们的想象力。
Matthew Hudak, analyst at Euromonitor, said that while the company had yet to create a major hit, “the potential upside of creating one may be worth continued heavy investment”.
欧睿咨询(Euromonitor)分析师马修•胡达克(Matthew Hudak)表示,尽管该公司尚未开发出一款风靡的爆款网络游戏,但“打造这样一款游戏可能带来的好处或许值得继续大举投资”。
He said Lego needs to build its brand awareness in China, with particular focus on creating products tailored for local consumers.
The Danish toymaker opened a factory in China in 2016 and eventually expects to make about three-quarters of all its products for Asia from its Jiaxing facility. Lego also won a copyright case against imitators of its bright plastic bricks for the first time in China last year.
“Faced with the tendency of lower age in internet users, the co-operation between the Lego Group and Tencent can leverage technological and innovative means to build a healthy online environment for children,” said Anna Gao, vice-president of Tencent Games.
腾讯游戏副总裁高莉(Anna Gao)表示:“面对互联网用户低龄化的趋势,乐高集团与腾讯之间的合作可以充分利用技术和创新手段,为孩子们打造一个健康的网络环境。”
Lego is facing its biggest test since it came close to financial collapse in 2003. Its sales declined 5 per cent in the first half of 2017 due to weakness in the US and Europe, causing it to shed almost a tenth of its workers as it pressed “the reset button”.