美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)已取消了一次访问英国的计划。他表示,将不会为伦敦的新美国大使馆剪彩,因为那是在奥巴马(Obama)政府主持下达成的一笔“糟糕买卖”。
Mr Trump tweeted late on Thursday night in the US:
The tweet followed months of uncertainty over whether Mr Trump would go ahead with a state visit to the UK, slated for this year following an online spat with prime minister Theresa May in late 2017.
此前几个月里,特朗普原定今年对英国进行国事访问的计划能否成行一直存在未知数,因为在2017年下半年,特朗普与特里萨•梅(Theresa May)在网上发生了口角。
Trump had enraged politicians in the UK in November when he retweeted several inflammatory videos from far-right group Britain First – a move that Mrs May said was “wrong” and which prompted British MPs to describe Mr Trump as “fascist”, “stupid” and “racist, incompetent or unthinking”.
去年11月,当特朗普在推特上转发了极右团体“英国第一”(Britain First)的几个煽动性视频时,惹恼了英国政治家。此举被梅称为“错误”,并导致英国一些国会议员把特朗普描述为“法西斯”,“蠢货”和“无能力或没脑子的种族主义者”。
Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, said at the time that it was “increasingly clear that any official visit at all from President Trump to Britain would not be welcomed.”
伦敦市市长萨迪克•汗(Sadiq Khan)当时表示,情况“越来越明显,特朗普总统对英国的任何官方访问都将不受欢迎。”
Although Mr Trump’s tweet criticised the administration of Barack Obama for the sale of the old embassy’s location, the move from Grosvenor Square in Mayfair to the Nine Elms quarter in Vauxhall, south of the river Thames, was announced in October 2008, before Mr Obama took office or was even elected president.
尽管特朗普的推文批评巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)政府卖掉了原有的大使馆,但从梅费尔区(Mayfair)的格罗夫纳广场(Grosvenor Square)搬到泰晤士河以南沃克斯豪尔(Vauxhall)的九榆树广场(Nine Elms Square)的决定,是在2008年10月宣布的,那时奥巴马还未上任、甚至尚未当选为总统。