The new version of the portable Go headset, which Oculus announced last year but has not yet gone on sale, will run on Xiaomi’s Mi VR software and services platform, allowing Facebook to get around Chinese internet regulators. Developers of apps and games for Oculus will be able to easily launch their software in China through the Mi store.
Oculus去年公布了便携式Oculus Go,但至今还未上市销售。新版Oculus Go将运行在小米的Mi VR软件和服务平台上,这让Facebook得以绕开中国的互联网监管机构。Oculus应用和游戏的开发者可通过小米应用商店(Mi store)轻而易举地在中国推出他们的软件。
Hugo Barra, Facebook’s head of VR, is a former Xiaomi executive.
Facebook的VR业务主管雨果•巴拉(Hugo Barra)曾在小米担任高管。
Designed as a more accessible alternative to expensive and complex PC-based VR headsets, Oculus Go is will cost $199 when it ships in the coming months.
从设计角度讲,相对于昂贵、复杂的基于PC的VR头显,Oculus Go更方便使用,未来几个月发货时其价格将为199美元。
Facebook, which bought Oculus for $2bn in 2014, has very limited exposure to China, despite it being one of the world’s largest markets for internet services. It maintains an ad sales office in Beijing and WhatsApp, its chat app, works there but the service is disrupted with increasing frequency. Last year, a photo-sharing app was released on Apple’s App Store in China that looked exactly like Facebook’s Moments app. Analysts have suggested it may be an “under the radar” attempt by Facebook to break into China.
2014年,Facebook以20亿美元收购了Oculus。虽然中国是世界最大的互联网服务市场之一,但Facebook在中国市场的业务极其有限。它在北京保有一个广告销售办事处,它旗下的聊天应用WhatsApp可在中国使用,但其服务越来越频繁地遭到中断。去年,苹果应用商店(Apple's App Store)在中国上线了一款跟Facebook旗下Moments应用十分相像的照片分享应用。分析人士暗示,那也许是Facebook为打入中国市场展开的一次“低调”尝试。