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The quantitative hedge fund industry is on the brink of surpassing $1tn of assets under management this year after breakneck growth from rising interest in more systematic, computer-powered investment strategies.


The amount of money managed by quant hedge funds tracked by HFR, a data provider, rose to more than $940bn by the end of October 2017 — nearly double the level of 2010 — and flows have continued to be strong in the fourth quarter, according to hedge fund executives.


An explosion of interest in automated, algorithmic investment approaches, ranging from the simple to high-octane strategies powered by artificial intelligence, has driven the surge. Even many traditional hedge funds are now hiring data scientists and programmers to reshape themselves into quants.


“Over the past decade the results of systematic quantitative investing have been undeniable,” said Philippe Jordan, president of CFM, a French quant hedge fund. “People have gone from being sceptical and uninterested to being artificial intelligence groupies.”

“过去10年期间,系统化的量化投资的结果不可否认,”法国量化对冲基金CFM总裁菲利普•乔丹(Philippe Jordan)表示,“人们已从怀疑和不感兴趣,变成人工智能的崇拜者。”

The growth of Two Sigma, one of the leaders of the quant hedge fund industry, is emblematic of the shift away from traditional hedge fund strategies. The New York-based firm’s assets have swelled from about $6bn in 2011 to more than $50bn in 2017, putting it roughly on par with the best-established quant powerhouses such as Renaissance Technologies and DE Shaw.

量化对冲基金行业的领先者之一Two Sigma的增长,标志着告别传统对冲基金策略的转向。这家总部位于纽约的公司的资产规模已从2011年的约60亿美元膨胀至2017年的逾500亿美元,与文艺复兴科技公司(Renaissance Technologies)、萧氏企业(DE Shaw)等最老牌量化对冲基金巨头不相上下。


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