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Felix Tao still remembers how thrilled he was to receive one of his biggest orders: a Rmb1.6m ($244,000) deal to supply phone parts to Le Mobile, the mobile phone subsidiary of tech conglomerate LeEco.

Felix Tao还记得自己接到乐视(LeEco)的订单时有多激动,这是他最大的订单之一:订单价值160万人民币(24.4万美元),内容是为这家科技企业集团的手机公司乐视移动(Le Mobile)供应零部件。

Almost two years later, however, the young supplier from the coastal province of Shandong says he is still waiting to be paid. “LeEco keeps telling us to give them some time. We have heard that line so many times that we have it memorised,” he says.


The unravelling of LeEco, the tech group that once aimed to be the Tesla and Netflix of China, has devolved into a chaotic scramble for cash, providing a case study case into the shakiness of the country’s nascent corporate bankruptcy regime.


This has sweeping implications for the country’s ability to allocate and manage debt. A dysfunctional bankruptcy system has allowed China’s insolvent businesses to continue with little pressure to restructure. It has also discouraged investors and banks from properly pricing credit risk into their lending, which spells trouble for a country with $18tn in corporate debt, equal to 169 per cent of gross domestic product, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

这件事对中国的债务处置能力有着深远含义。由于破产制度不健全,中国一些资不抵债的企业得以继续维持,而几乎没有重组的压力。它也阻碍投资者和银行在提供资金时恰当地对信贷风险进行定价,对于这个企业债务负担沉重的国家,这带来了一个问题。国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements)的数据显示,中国企业债务总额为18万亿美元,相当于中国国内生产总值(GDP)的169%。

On paper, China’s corporate bankruptcy law, implemented in 2007, is nearly identical to regimes in the US and Europe. In practice, businesses typically shun bankruptcy in favour of the informal resolution channels they have used for decades.


“Near as I can tell, [the bankruptcy process] doesn’t really exist. It’s there on paper, and I vaguely recall hearing of a few cases, but for the most part it is ignored,” says Dan Harris, a lawyer who specialises in Chinese business law.

“据我所知,(破产程序)名存实亡,我隐约记得听说过一些破产案,但大多数情况下,破产程序被视而不见,”一名专攻中国商业法的律师丹•哈里斯(Dan Harris)表示。

Creditors can force a group into bankruptcy if they can demonstrate it is overdue on payments. But that can be difficult in China as creditors often do not have full access to the parent company’s financials.


LeEco projected an image of business-as-usual despite reporting a Rmb637m loss in its listed business, Leshi, in the first half of 2017, amid signs the group was running out of cash. During this period, LeEco founder Jia Yueting travelled to Hong Kong to raise money for its electric car venture with US start-up Faraday Future.

乐视上市子公司乐视网(Leshi)公布2017年上半年亏损6.37亿人民币,集团显露出资金趋于枯竭的迹象,但乐视仍营造出一种正常运营的印象。当时乐视创始人贾跃亭还前往香港,为乐视与美国初创企业法拉第未来(Faraday Future)的电动汽车合资公司融资。

This month, China’s supreme court put Mr Jia on a blacklist for unpaid debts, and Beijing ordered him to return to China to answer questions about a Leshi debt.


Alarmed by LeEco’s well-publicised financial woes, the company’s creditors took action earlier this year to seize LeEco’s remaining assets.


“Creditors feel they must move swiftly and aggressively to safeguard their interests in China,” says Shaun Wu, a Hong Kong lawyer who specialises in advising parties in China foreign joint venture disputes. “There is less of a willingness to stand in line and wait for everything to be sorted.”

“债权人认为,他们必须迅速积极地采取行动维护他们在中国的利益。”专门为陷入中外合资纠纷的客户提供服务的香港律师Shaun Wu说,“他们不太愿意排队等待所有事情都安排好。”

The upshot is that instead of a smooth restructuring, Chinese insolvency typically dissolves into a disorderly fight for the cash and assets of the indebted group. When LeEco’s cash problems became public about 10 lenders occupied the group’s office, looking for assurances from management they would be repaid.


LeEco did not respond to multiple requests for comment.


The likelihood of creditors getting their money back is further complicated by a quirk of Chinese financing: CEO share pledging.


Using personal shares to secure loans is common in China, where 10 per cent of the value of the mainland stock market (by value) is pledged against loans, according to Bank of America.

使用个人所持股份来获得贷款的做法在中国很普遍,据美国银行(Bank of America)的数据,价值约占中国内地股市总市值10%的股票被用于质押贷款。

The founder will often use the cash to lend to the company, and the company’s finances will quickly overlap with that of the founder. However, because China does not let individuals declare bankruptcy, the backers of insolvent groups are highly motivated to steer their companies away from such proceedings.


“A private company may be approaching bankruptcy because the individual debt of the chairman is so high, but that personal debt cannot be forgiven,” says Han Chuanhua, a Beijing-based bankruptcy lawyer. “In that case, an individual would want to avoid bankruptcy at all costs.” “一家私人企业可能会因为董事长个人的高负债而临近破产,但个人债务是无法被免除的。”北京的破产律师Han Chuanhua说,“在这种情况下,个人会千方百计避免破产。”

Creditors are then forced to use other means to collect, such as targeting the founder’s assets.


In the case of LeEco, Mr Jia and his sister had pledged almost all their shares in LeEco’s listed arm against loans, while his brother also borrowed against shares in a connected company.


In early July, a Shanghai court froze more than $180m of LeEco assets belonging to Mr Jia, his brother and Mr Jia’s wife in lieu of missed loan payments. Weeks later, a Beijing court ordered another $33.78m of assets frozen.


On Monday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission ordered Mr Jia to return to the country to answer questions why he was not following through on a promise to provide an interest-free loan to Leshi, yet another indicator of how the founder’s finances were entangled with the group’s.


Mr Jia could not be reached for comment.


Mr Tao says employees at Le Mobile completely stopped taking his calls months ago. He travelled to Beijing, spending four months staking out the parent company’s headquarters. More recently, he pitched a tent in the lobby to force Mr Jia to the negotiating table. He has not been successful.

Felix Tao说,乐视移动的员工在数月前就完全不接他的电话了。他前往北京,花了4个月时间“驻扎”在乐视母公司总部外。最近,他在该集团总部的大堂搭了一个帐篷,希望迫使贾跃亭坐上谈判桌。他没能成功。

“The company will not listen to us. Then they hired people to lock us out of the lobby,” says Mr Tao.



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