周五,韩国乐天集团(Lotte Group)95岁的创始人因贪污及行贿罪名成立,被判处4年徒刑。
However, the court did not seek his arrest and incarceration due to his age and deteriorating health condition.
Shin Kyuk-ho, who in 1948 founded the Lotte Group – South Korea’s fifth biggest conglomerate – was convicted of embezzlement and breach of trust in a case that caps off a tumultuous year for one of South Korea’s most recognisable corporate brands.
辛格浩(Shin Kyuk-ho)于1948年创立了乐天集团,这是韩国第五大企业集团。此前他被指控贪污和违反信托约定,该案为这家韩国知名企业品牌经历的这一动荡的一年画上了句号。
The group, which consists of more than 90 units ranging from retail outlets to chemicals companies, was the primary target throughout 2017 of China’s massive economic retaliation against South Korea following Seoul’s decision to host a US-owned missile shield.
After a widespread boycott of its stores in China, Lotte was forced in October to abandon its chain of supermarkets and hypermarkets in the world’s most populous nation.
Shin Dong-bin – the group’s chairman – is also embroiled in the bribery scandal that led to the impeachment of Park Geun-hye, South Korea’s former president, as well as the conviction and incarceration of Lee Jae-yong, the de facto head of Samsung.
乐天集团董事长辛东彬(Shin Dong-bin)也卷入了行贿丑闻。这起丑闻导致韩国前总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)遭到弹劾,三星集团(Samsung Group)事实上的领导人李在镕(Lee Jae-yong)被定罪判刑。
The younger Shin was on Friday also convicted but received a suspended sentence in the same case, which focused on managerial irregularities in the awarding of a restaurant franchise.