西里尔•拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)昨日当选南非执政党非洲人国民大会(African National Congress,简称:非国大)领导人,该党史上最分裂投票的这一结果将威胁南非总统雅各布•祖玛(Jacob Zuma)对权力的控制。
After hours of tension that included a recount, Mr Ramaphosa, deputy president, narrowly defeated Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Mr Zuma’s former wife, whom the president had backed.
在经过几个小时的紧张点票(包括一轮重新计票)后,副总统拉马福萨以微弱优势击败祖玛前妻、祖玛支持的恩科萨扎纳•德拉米尼-祖玛(Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma)。
Analysts believe Mr Zuma lent Ms Dlamini-Zuma his support because he hoped she would protect him from prosecution in a corruption case. Mr Ramaphosa won by 2,440 votes to 2,261, prompting cheering, dancing and singing among his supporters at the climax of a dramatic three-day party congress.
Mr Ramaphosa campaigned on a promise to root out corruption and save the ANC — the party that defeated apartheid under Nelson Mandela’s leadership — from losing its majority for the first time at the 2019 election.
拉马福萨的竞选承诺是根除腐败并避免非国大在2019年大选中首次失去多数席位,该党曾在纳尔逊•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)的领导下挫败种族隔离制度。
His win could lead to the ANC sacking Mr Zuma as president within weeks. Mr Zuma survived calls within the party this year for his exit over graft allegations by exerting an iron grip on top decision-making bodies. His second and last term as state president ends in 2019.
The South African rand surged against the US dollar on the announcement of Mr Ramaphosa’s victory. It had already risen in anticipation of a loss for Ms Dlamini-Zuma, who had promised populist policies to accelerate black ownership in the economy.
“The country outside the 5,000 ANC delegates has breathed a huge sigh of relief,” said Lawson Naidoo, executive secretary of the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution, which has campaigned against the perceived attack on independent institutions under Mr Zuma. “We can now put a brake on the downward slide of South African politics and economics,” he said.
“在5000名非国大代表之外,举国上下长长舒了口气,”南非宪法推进委员会(Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution)执行秘书长罗森•奈杜(Lawson Naidoo)表示,“我们现在可以遏制南非政治和经济的衰落趋势了。”该委员会一直在开展活动,反对在祖玛主政期间独立机构被视为受到的攻击。