美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)决定兑现竞选承诺,承认耶路撒冷为以色列首都,并最终把美国大使馆迁至耶路撒冷,这是一种外交方面的故意破坏行动。此举更加让人难以理解之处在于,可能谁也不会从中受益,至少对和平感兴趣的人不会,就连特朗普本人也不会。
He has united almost everyone against him, including his closest allies in the region, provoked outrage among Muslims, provided fuel for extremists and, not for the first time, diminished America in the eyes of the world. Nor has he served Israel’s interests well — though some Israelis might disagree.
Jerusalem has been at the centre of peacemaking efforts in the Middle East ever since partition in 1947 when sensitivities surrounding the city’s status (and its importance as a holy site for Jews, Muslims and Christians alike) led the UN to treat it initially as a separate entity from the Jewish state. Although Israel has always claimed the Holy city as its capital, no country has, until now, recognised it as such.
This is for good reason — the same reason that other US presidents declined to honour the 1995 act of Congress acknowledging hard facts on the ground, and seeking to move the US embassy. To recognise Israel’s claims to the city is not only to stymie Palestinian hopes to claim their own capital in occupied East Jerusalem and tear up an agreement in the 1993 Oslo peace accord, which held that the city’s final status would be settled by negotiation. It is also to unite Muslims against Israel at a time anti-Israeli sentiment has been relatively subdued.
Mr Trump has been warned about this unequivocally this week. The Turks have threatened to sever relations with Israel. Saeb Erekat, the PLO negotiator, said that should the US go ahead with the move it would disqualify itself from “any role in any initiative towards achieving a just and lasting peace”. Hamas, the Islamist group that controls the Gaza strip, has threatened a new intifada. Nor could King Abdullah of Jordan, which has a peace treaty with Israel, stand by. He cautioned that recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s would play into the hands of terrorists and enable them to “spread their ideologies”.
本周,特朗普在这个问题上受到了明确的警告。土耳其人威胁中断与以色列的关系。巴解组织(PLO)谈判代表赛义布•埃雷卡特(Saeb Erekat)表示,如果美国推进这一行动,那么美国将失去“在任何旨在达成公正、持久和平的倡议中扮演角色”的资格。控制着加沙地带的伊斯兰组织哈马斯(Hamas)威胁发动新的起义。与以色列签署了和平条约的约旦国王阿卜杜拉(King Abdullah)也没有袖手旁观。阿卜杜拉警告称,承认耶路撒冷属于以色列将正中恐怖主义者下怀,使他们得以“传播自己的意识形态”。
Moreover, for all his words about not taking a position on the city’s final status, Mr Trump appears to have pre-empted his own plans to broker agreement between Israel and the Palestinians by resolving one of the most explosive issues in Israel’s favour. For someone who prides himself on being the consummate deal maker it is odd that he should surrender this card before negotiations have even begun.
It is odd too because it complicates life for Saudi Arabia, Mr Trump’s chosen interlocutors in the region. The Saudis, who have been playing a role in the evolution of the latest US peace plans, are also strongly opposed. They have little choice. The ruling al-Saud family are not only royals. The Saudi king is the self-styled leader of Sunni Islam and al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem is considered the third holiest site in Islam, after the mosques at Mecca and Medina.
奇怪之处还在于,这会令特朗普在中东选定的对话者沙特的处境变得复杂。一直在美国最新和平计划的演化中发挥作用的沙特人也持强烈反对态度。他们几乎没有选择。执政的沙特王室不仅仅是王室。沙特国王是自封的伊斯兰逊尼派领袖,而耶路撒冷的阿克萨清真寺(al-Aqsa mosque)被视为仅次于麦加圣寺和麦地那先知寺的伊斯兰第三大圣寺。
This can only be a blow to the Saudis, especially Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has been acting as go between with the Palestinians and Jared Kushner, Mr Trump’s son-in-law and envoy to the region.
这对沙特人、尤其是穆罕默德•本•萨勒曼王储(Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman)只能构成打击——他此前一直在充当巴勒斯坦人和特朗普女婿、中东特使贾里德•库什纳(Jared Kushner)之间的牵线人。
Most of all, by taking sides on an issue central to the Israel-Palestine conflict Mr Trump has exploded any residual notion that Washington can act as honest broker. The status of Jerusalem has always been a ticking time bomb. The fear now is that the US president has lit the fuse.