Virtually non-existent in the country five years ago, consumer lending through websites and mobile apps has expanded rapidly over the past 18 months amid a proliferation of fintech start-ups that use big data to assess credit risk.
Two such companies, Qudian and Ppdai, have completed initial public offerings in New York since October, capitalising on investor enthusiasm for fintech. Their share prices have suffered in recent weeks, however, after Chinese authorities launched a crackdown on the industry. Chinese regulators last week suspended issuance of licences for new online lenders.
While regulators appear to be focused mainly on default risk from unqualified borrowers and abusive collection practices, experts are also raising concerns over data privacy.
“Consumers know that loan platforms are collecting their data but they don’t know who is selling it,” said Zhang Yi, chief executive of iiMedia Research, a consultancy. “For the most part, these platforms aren’t selling data as their main business or they wouldn’t be able to survive. But employees who manage the data are the main source of data leaks.”
“消费者知道贷款平台在采集他们的数据,但他们并不知道是谁在出售数据,”艾媒咨询(iiMedia Research)首席执行官张毅表示。“在大多数情况下,这些平台不是以销售数据为主要业务,否则它们无法生存。但是管理数据的员工是数据泄露的主要来源。”
In a chatroom devoted to consumer lending on Tencent’s QQ social-media platform, the Financial Times contacted a person claiming to be an employee of an online lender who was offering user data for sale.
在腾讯(Tencent) QQ社交媒体平台上一个专门讨论消费信贷的聊天室中,英国《金融时报》联系了一名自称是在线贷款机构员工的人,此人声称有用户数据可以出售。
For Rmb4 ($0.61) per user, he offered to provide the full name, national ID number, phone number and loan limit. He added that for some borrowers, the data would also include a credit score from Sesame Credit, the unit of Alibaba’s financial affiliate Ant Financial that sells credit scores to banks and consumer lenders with users’ consent.
他提出,能够以每条用户信息4元人民币(合0.61美元)的价格,提供全名、身份证号码、电话号码和贷款限额。他补充说,对于一些借款人,数据还包括来自芝麻信用(Sesame Credit)的信用评分。芝麻信用是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)关联公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)旗下的机构,在用户同意的情况下向银行和消费贷款机构出售信用评分数据。
Loan apps are also supplementing loan income by selling data legally after users agree to expansive terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions for Qudian, Ppdai, and Yongqianbao, three major lending apps, grant the companies permission to “provide” data to third parties — a term legal experts say includes selling the data. In addition to online consumer lending groups, which lend from their own capital, peer-to-peer lenders including Nasdaq-listed Hexindai also operate on similar terms.
The apps are unusable unless the user both accepts the terms and conditions and authorises his mobile operating system to grant the app access to contacts, location, stored files and other data.
Qudian on Wednesday said it had never sold or rented out user data. The company said it had launched an internal investigation in response to reports of a data leak, that it had not discovered any leak so far but that the investigation was ongoing. Ppdai, Yongqianbao and Hexindai did not respond to requests for comment.
Analysts say many buyers of user data are other consumer lending platforms hoping to jump-start their own business by identifying potential customers who have borrowed from others. Platforms where users have registered but never taken a loan may also choose to pass user information to a competitor.
“Consumer lending platforms are definitely involved in buying and selling data, and it’s hard to stop,” said Xue Hangyan, director of the Suning Financial Research Institute, a division of electronics retailer Suning Holdings. “Everyone faces the problem of acquiring customers and wants data that can help them with precision sales and marketing, so the demand for user data is very large.”
“消费贷款平台肯定参与了数据买卖,很难制止这种做法,”电器零售商苏宁控股(Suning Holdings)旗下苏宁金融研究院的互联网金融中心主任薛洪言表示。“大家都面临着获取客户的问题,希望获得有助于他们进行精准销售和营销的数据,因此对用户数据的需求非常大。”
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