在安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)寻求延长12年任期的谈判前夕,德国主要保守派人物之一支持组建新的“大联合”政府来打破大选后僵局。
Horst Seehofer, head of the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Ms Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU), told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper that a grand coalition of the centre-left and centre-right was “the best option for Germany”.
默克尔的基民盟(CDU)在巴伐利亚州的姐妹党基社盟(CSU)的领导人霍斯特•泽霍费尔(Horst Seehofer)向《周日图片报》(Bild am Sonntag)表示,由中左翼和中右翼组成大联合政府是“德国的最佳选择”。
With the uncertainty in Berlin hanging over Europe as it grapples with Brexit and attempts to reform the eurozone, the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) last week abandoned their refusal to consider recreating the grand coalition that governed Germany for the past four years.
Mr Seehofer said the SPD, which suffered its worst result since the mid-20th century in September’s election, should “remain realistic” in its demands. Senior SPD figures are calling for stronger measures protecting part-time workers and the abolition of private health insurance.
However, another of the SPD’s central positions looks likely to be an obstacle for any deal — its opposition to a cap on refugee numbers. In October, Mr Seehofer secured a commitment to a cap of 200,000 refugees a year in post-election talks with Ms Merkel’s that resolved a rift within the conservative bloc over asylum policy.