Australia’s first foreign policy white paper in more than a decade, released on Thursday, recommends that Canberra take a more active role in the region and adopt a tougher stance against Beijing’s territorial ambitions.
It criticises the “unprecedented pace” of Beijing’s island-building projects in the South China Sea, saying Australia was opposed to the building of “artificial structures” for military purposes.
该报告批评北京在南中国海(South China Sea)的岛屿建设工程达到了“前所未有的速度”,称澳大利亚反对建造军事用途的“人工结构”。
The paper also expresses concern about the potential use of force or coercion in the East China Sea and Taiwan Strait, and calls on those concerned to act with restraint. It also warns that without strong US engagement in the region, power is likely to shift more quickly, thereby denting Australia’s interests.
报告还对东中国海(East China Sea)和台湾海峡(Taiwan Strait)可能会动用的武力或强制手段表示关切,并呼吁有关方面保持克制。报告还警告说如果没有美国在该地区的积极参与,那么权力可能会更快地转移,从而损害澳大利亚的利益。
“We will never agree that might is right,” said Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, at the launch of the paper.
澳大利亚总理马尔科姆•特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull在发表这份文件时表示:“我们绝不同意强权即公理。”
However, he described Australia’s relationship with China — the country’s largest trading partner — as warm, strong and positive, and denied Canberra was joining US efforts to contain Chinese regional interests.
The launch of the white paper follows a toughening in rhetoric from Canberra towards Beijing over recent months, with Mr Turnbull warning China in June to respect the “sovereignty of other nations”.
Earlier this month it joined the US, India and Japan in a revived diplomatic initiative titled the “quad”, which seeks to counterbalance China’s growing power in the region.
本月早些时候,澳大利亚加入美国、印度和日本,重启“四方安全对话”(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue,简称quad),这一外交倡议旨在寻求制衡中国在该地区不断增长的势力。
Michael Fullilove, executive director of the Lowy Institute think-tank, said the white paper represented a change in tone from the Asian Century report published by the previous Labor-led government, which saw China’s rise in an almost exclusively positive context.
智库洛伊研究所(Lowy Institute)执行主任迈克尔•富利洛夫(Michael Fullilove)表示,这份白皮书标志着上一任工党领导下政府所发布的《亚洲世纪》报告中的基调发生了变化。上任政府把中国崛起视为一种几乎完全积极的环境。
“The white paper is a way of saying that no one wants to live in China’s shadow and Beijing should stick to the rules-based system,” he said.
“It is also a bid to persuade the US under Donald Trump to stick with multilateralism, free trade and remain engaged in the region.”
“这也是旨在说服总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)领导下的美国坚守多边主义、自由贸易以及继续参与地区事务的一种努力。”
The paper says Canberra should expand its existing military co-operation with the US, which sees thousands of marines rotate through bases in Australia’s north. It says Australia should promote open markets in an era when protectionism is spreading and floats the possibility of engaging the US in a future regional free trade deal, which includes China.
“Over time, bringing the US and China together in a region-wide free trade agreement would reduce economic tension and help maximise regional economic growth prospects,” said the paper.
The white paper is intended to provide a framework for the development of Australian foreign policy over the next decade. However, analysts said that would depend on whether any future Labor government adopted its recommendations.
Penny Wong, Labor’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, gave the paper a cautious welcome on Thursday, urging the government to build on the recommendations and set a clear vision of Australia for the region.
周四,工党外交事务发言人黄英贤(Penny Wong)对该白皮书表示出谨慎的欢迎。他敦促政府把这些建议作为行动的基础,为澳大利亚针对地区制定出一份清晰的愿景。