冬季是中国雾霾最严重的季节。接下来的几个月,大宗商品投资者将有机会看到,中国政府是不是当真在遏制污染产业。那些消耗煤炭的制造业企业和电力公司今年也需出一分力。这将损及海运煤炭出口商,例如必和必拓(BHP Billiton)或英美资源集团(Anglo American)等矿业公司。
Domestic benchmark coal prices are a fifth above the range targeted by the National Development and Reform Commission. Prices doubled last November, when the government told miners to shut down for a quarter of the year. Similarly, production cuts in steel mills were strictly enforced — which boosted steel prices and margins for steelmakers. Aluminium followed suit.
Given the impending capacity cuts at manufacturing plants, demand for electricity could be 4.5 per cent lower than the average during the four months from November to March, according to analysts at Liberum. China burns about 300m tons of coal in a winter heating season. The plants will require less of the black stuff to produce the diminished output.
If the corresponding demand reduction for electricity is borne by thermal coal power stations exclusively, total usage in the season could be a sixth lower than normal. On an annualised basis that gap is as large as all of China’s seaborne thermal coal imports.
Coal prices must ultimately take a hit. China’s efficiency drive in steel has already created victims. Lower-grade iron ore miner Fortescue, for example, has underperformed higher-quality peer BHP. The best steel mills in China have increased purchases of high-grade ore to maximise outputs. The lesson is that production cuts raise product prices first and hit demand for wasteful inputs later.
Investors need to brace for a new equilibria. Markets that China has oversupplied in the past may experience severe tightening. Scale producers in China, such as coal group Shenhua, should be relatively insulated. The outlook for foreign coal groups and traders in low-grade materials is chillier.
投资者需要准备好迎接一种新的平衡。中国过去供过于求的市场可能会严重趋紧。中国的规模生产商所受的影响会相对较小,比如主要生产煤炭的神华集团(Shenhua Group)。而外国煤炭集团和低品味矿石交易商的前景就不太乐观了。