美国共和党参议员将推迟出台削减企业税的举措,并减小其他减税措施的慷慨程度,这可能使他们与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)总统围绕一代人以来美国最大规模税改的速度与广度发生冲突。
The Senate finance committee’s plan, due to be unveiled yesterday, is part of the Republican push backed by Mr Trump to re-energise the economy and bolster their electoral chances in 2018.
The Senate plan is less radical than Mr Trump’s ambitions and more limited than a rival bill in the House of Representatives, which is due to be voted on next week. The discrepancies are due to efforts by Senate deficit hawks to fit their plans within tight budget limits.
The Senate bill reflects a scramble by the party to stay within self-imposed guidelines holding the additional deficit created to $1.5tn over the next decade. The Senate also needs to avoid running any extra deficits in the next 10 years if it is to meet internal rules that would allow passage of the legislation without Democratic support.
The Senate bill would cut the corporate rate to 20 per cent from 35 per cent — but only in 2019 to save money, according to two Republican aides familiar with the discussions. The delay is likely to disappoint some chief executives who hunger for a cut in rates that they say hobble global competitiveness.
The Senate bill also only partially repeals the estate tax, which affects the very wealthy, and it removes the deductibility of state and local taxes against federal bills, a move that reaps major savings but is fiercely opposed by legislators from high-tax states.
The Senate plans also take a different approach to the taxation of international groups and to non-incorporated businesses called “pass-throughs”, setting up a heated debate with the House as the two chambers attempt to iron out differences in the coming weeks.
But House lawmakers face their own struggle to squeeze their cuts into deficit limits. Republicans are also battling to demonstrate the benefits of their plan to ordinary voters. Research from the Tax Policy Center has shown nearly half of the fruits of the tax reductions will go to the richest 1 per cent of households.
但众议院的立法者们为了将减税控制在赤字限度内,也面临着他们的难处。共和党人也在努力向普通选民说明该党计划的好处。智库税收政策中心(Tax Policy Center)的研究已表明,近一半的减税成果将由最富有的1%的家庭享有。
Gary Cohn, Mr Trump’s chief economic adviser, told CNBC that executives remained the group most excited by the plans.
特朗普的首席经济顾问加里•科恩(Gary Cohn)对CNBC承认,最受减税计划鼓舞的群体仍是企业高管们。