日本神户制钢(Kobe Steel)表示,数据伪造丑闻蔓延至其核心的钢铁业务。这桩丑闻影响到逾200家客户,并导致该公司市值自本周一以来蒸发40%。
Friday’s admission by the embattled Japanese group, which experts said could expand the legal and financial implications of the crisis, comes a day after Hiroya Kawasaki, chief executive, publicly played down suggestions that it had sold steel products with false inspection certificates.
这家陷入困境的日本企业周五作出上述承认的一天前,其社长川崎博也(Hiroya Kawasaki)曾在公开场合淡化有关该公司销售过带虚假检验证书的钢铁产品的说法。专家表示,该公司的上述承认可能会加大此次危机的法律和财务影响。
Earlier this week, analysts warned investors that because Kobe’s internal investigation would look back 10 years, the scope of the problem was likely to extend into other products.
Mr Kawasaki, addressing revelations that Kobe had sold across a swath of industrial sectors some 19,300 tonnes of aluminium and copper products that did not conform with their stated specifications, said on Thursday that trust in his company had “fallen to zero”.
A day later — amid concerns that Kobe may face punishing costs for replacing falsely certified materials — it emerged that the company’s internal investigations into historic falsification of product certificates were being conducted across all divisions.
The company said it had “not yet come to the stage” of firing anyone over the scandal but that investigations were focused on “some tens of personnel” across the company. Despite the damage to Kobe’s share price, no customer has yet linked purchases of falsely certified products with any safety issues.
Kobe, whose customers include global carmakers, white goods producers, high-tech manufacturers and major aircraft builders, said it had found irregularities in product certificates relating to steel wire — a material used, among many other functions, to strengthen tyres. Kobe said it had contacted customers that had purchased the steel wire and been told that no quality or safety problems had arisen.
The company will hold an emergency press conference later on Friday to provide further details to a market that had previously viewed Kobe as a prime example of Japanese precision material makers’ technical superiority over international competitors. Kobe has substantial global market share in a selection of steel wire products.
Mio Kato, an analyst at Smartkarma, said further details on the actions surrounding the sale of steel wire would be critical as the product was routinely used in parts of automobiles instrumental in preventing accidents.
Smartkarma分析师Mio Kato表示,围绕钢丝销售所采取的行动的进一步细节将至关重要,这种产品常用于有助于防止事故的汽车零部件。
“If these parts are compromised from a safety perspective, recalls will be mandatory and the costs significant. Damage to the company’s business prospects with its auto customers will also be severe,” he said.