Stamos explains most of these ads and accounts didn't reference the election, but were instead used to make divisive social and political messages that he says were across the ideological spectrum. A quarter of the ads were geographically targeted.
Stamos says the fake accounts and ads have been removed and they've since begun looking at how to develop new techniques to detect fake accounts and ads while they're being created.
Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News.
社交网站脸书首席安全官史塔莫斯(Alex Stamos)在一份公告中表示,从2015年6月到2017年年中,有3000条广告共花费了大约10万美元。这些广告与470条不真实的记录和网页有关。脸书网表示,这些可能是在俄罗斯境外操作的。
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