听唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)说起金正恩(Kim Jong Un),你的脑海中会浮现出一个卡通人物——一个执行“自杀式任务”的“火箭人”。然而,观察美国总统的行为,你会觉得,那位朝鲜独裁者并不像特朗普形容的那样疯狂。
I am thinking here of Mr Trump’s expected refusal to certify that Iran is in compliance with the nuclear agreement reached with world powers in 2015. If you are Mr Kim, you would conclude that you have been right all along: the US cannot be trusted, even when it puts its name to an international agreement.
Seen from Pyongyang, the only way to deter an American invasion has always been to establish North Korea as a nuclear power that is both capable and willing to strike first or retaliate devastatingly. That is why China argues against excessive pressure on the regime. Mr Kim, says one official, would “prefer to die standing” than give in to the US.
Now Mr Kim will feel vindicated in his intransigence, and confident that his nuclear programme, far more advanced than Iran’s, remains the ticket to his regime’s survival.
Mr Trump, who likes to keep us guessing about his intentions (“It’s the calm before the storm,” he said cryptically at the weekend, a statement many took as referring to North Korea) is set to conclude that Iran is in contravention of a historic deal that rolled back Tehran’s nuclear activities in return for sanctions relief. No matter that there is no evidence to that effect from the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose job it is to rule on compliance. Or that no other signatory to the agreement agrees with the US president.
Being Mr Trump, he could still change his mind and surprise us with a different outcome. But assuming he goes ahead with decertification, Congress will have to consider whether to re-impose sanctions on Iran or raise the pressure through other means.
Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader who had to be convinced by moderates in the regime of the benefits of the nuclear agreement, will have to answer hardliners who warned him against it.
曾被国内温和派说服、相信伊核协议会带来好处的伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉阿里•哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei),将不得不向那些告诫他不要认可该协议的强硬派作出解释。
Meanwhile, from North Korea, Mr Kim will be watching. It is not just Iran’s predicament he is interested in. Sadly, he has already drawn lessons from the fate of other nuclear-aspiring leaders in the Middle East, with some of whom his regime collaborated. Those who wavered in their nuclear pursuit or were forced to abandon their programmes met an ugly death.
First, there was Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator who developed a nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programme in the 1980s. In the aftermath of the first Gulf war, Iraq was forced to get rid of all weapons of mass destruction. But Saddam played a cat-and-mouse game with inspectors, feeding suspicions that he was hiding parts of his arsenal. Those suspicions gave the US the justification it was looking for to launch the Iraq war in 2003, after which Saddam was hunted down, put on trial, and hanged.
首先是萨达姆•侯赛因(Saddam Hussein),这位伊拉克独裁者上世纪80年代就制定了研发核武器、化学和生物武器的计划。第一次海湾战争结束后,伊拉克被逼销毁了所有大规模杀伤性武器。但萨达姆与核查人员玩起了猫捉老鼠的游戏,致使外界怀疑他藏匿了部分武器。这些猜疑,给美国2003年发动伊拉克战争提供了理由,后来萨达姆被抓获,受审并被处以绞刑。
Extensive searches after the war, however, produced no weapons, leading some observers to speculate that Saddam had perpetuated the myth of WMD possession to maintain the climate of fear that helped him stay in power.
Then there was Muammer Gaddafi, the mercurial Libyan leader labelled by Ronald Reagan as the “mad dog” of the Middle East. In 2003, after negotiations with the US and Britain, Gaddafi announced the dismantling of his nuclear programme. The decision paved the way for Libya’s rehabilitation. Less than a decade later, when the Libyan revolution erupted and Gaddafi threatened to attack the eastern city of Benghazi, a Nato-led coalition intervened and tilted the balance of power towards Libya’s rebels. Gaddafi was captured by rebels and killed.
接着是性格反复无常的利比亚领导人穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi),罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)曾说他是中东“疯狗”。2003年,在与美英两国谈判后,卡扎菲宣布放弃核计划。这一决定为利比亚复兴铺平了道路。但不到10年后,当利比亚爆发革命、卡扎菲威胁攻打东部城市班加西时,北约领导的联军进行了干预,使得战场上的实力天平偏向了利比亚叛军一边。卡扎菲最终被叛军抓获并击毙。
Mr Kim, who is only 33 and wishing to prolong his own life and that of his regime, is gambling that his nuclear weapons will save him from a similar fate and force the US to accept North Korea as a nuclear power. It will turn out to be a grave miscalculation if the US and North Korea go to war. But when Mr Trump undermines the nuclear deal with Iran, he also reinforces Mr Kim’s belief that his gamble is worth taking.