朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)提拔自己的妹妹进入国家的最高决策机构,进一步巩固了家族对这个与世隔绝的亚洲国家的王朝式掌控。
The elevation of Kim Yo Jong, Mr Kim’s sibling, to the politburo comes amid a broader reshuffle ahead of an anniversary on Tuesday that some expect could be used as a stage for further provocations.
身为金正恩妹妹的金与正(Kim Yo Jong)晋升为劳动党中央政治局候补委员之际,朝鲜在周二的建党周年纪念日前夕进行了更广泛的高层人事洗牌。一些人预计,这个纪念日可能被当作发起更多挑衅的舞台。
Kim Jong Sik and Ri Pyong Chol, two key individuals behind Pyongyang’s increasingly sophisticated ballistic missile programme, were also promoted. As was Ri Yong Ho, North Korea’s foreign minister, who made headlines last month for saying a tweet by US President Donald Trump amounted to a declaration of war.
平壤方面技术水平越来越高的弹道导弹计划背后的两个关键人物——金正植(Kim Jong Sik)和李炳哲(Ri Pyong Chol)——也获得晋升。被提拔的还有朝鲜外务相李勇浩(Ri Yong Ho),他在上月登上新闻头条,因为他声称美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)发表的一篇推文构成了宣战。
The move to bring in Ms Kim as a member of the ruling Workers’ party of Korea politburo reflects Kim Jong Un’s desire to cement his family’s power, although it is unlikely she would ever succeed the North Korea leader given the country’s strict patriarchy. She was previously vice-director of the Workers’ party’s Propaganda and Agitation Department.