“For China it’s most urgent to develop new energy vehicles (NEVs) and determine a timetable to completely ban gasoline vehicles,” said Wang Chuanfu, founder and chairman of BYD.
Mr Wang told press gathered in the company’s headquarters in Shenzhen that China’s government was committed to moving away from combustion engines to cut pollution and minimise the country’s dependence on foreign oil.
By 2020, buses in China would all be electrified, he said, while all heavy trucks would be electric by 2025. “By 2030, I believe China will be fully electrified, including all passenger cars,” he said, adding that government policies would shape consumer behaviour.
“This is not only because of environmental pollution and traffic congestion issues — the most urgent reason is China’s oil safety and security. China will run out of oil soon,” Mr Wang said.
Earlier this month, China’s vice-minister of industry, Xin Guobin, said China was looking at banning combustion engines, without setting a time line for the ban. Britain and France have said they will ban traditional gasoline-powered cars by 2040.
However, analysts described Mr Wang’s remarks as lobbying, and not reflective of realistic policy goals.
“If you’re the leading seller of Chinese electric vehicles then you’re going to want this to happen as soon as possible. So of course it’s logical for Wang Chuanfu to say it’s going to happen quickly,” said Bill Russo, head of Automobility, a Shanghai-based consultancy. Mr Russo added that most of China’s auto industry was not ready for full electrification.
“如果你是中国电动汽车的领先卖家,你当然希望这个局面尽快发生。所以,王传福说它很快就会发生当然是合乎逻辑的,”总部位于上海的高风咨询(Automobility)董事总经理罗威(Bill Russo)表示。他补充说,中国汽车工业的大部分还没有准备好全面电动化。
“It’s easy to set targets, it’s hard to achieve them,” he said. “I think you’re going to see a lot of lobbying on the part of Chinese companies and foreign enterprises who would prefer to keep the status quo.”
Zhong Shi, a member of the expert committee of the China Automobile Dealers’ Association, said it was optimistic to expect Chinese vehicles to be fully electric by 2030. “As far as I can see, the earliest time to completely ban gasoline cars would be 2035,” said Mr Zhong.
中国汽车流通协会(China Automobile Dealers’ Association)专家委员会成员钟师表示,预期中国所有汽车到2030年完全电动化有点过于乐观。“在我看来,完全禁止汽油动力汽车的最早时间点将是2035年。”钟师表示。
The government is also on the verge of launching a carbon trading scheme that will benefit BYD, which is 8 per cent owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway. Starting next year or in 2019, traditional carmakers in China will have to make a certain number of NEVs or else buy credits from NEV makers such as BYD.
中国政府还即将推出一个碳交易机制,这将有利于比亚迪;沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)持有该公司8%股份。从明年或2019年开始,中国的传统汽车制造商将必须制造一定数量的新能源汽车,或者从比亚迪这样的新能源汽车制造商购买碳排放额度。
Mr Wang declined to speak about the timing of the scheme or how much BYD could potentially earn from carbon credits. “The carbon trading scheme will help companies to achieve a healthy growth, and BYD as the market leader will receive some benefit. But exactly how much it’s hard to say,” he said.