伊朗总统哈桑•鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)表示,其具有历史意义的核协议不应“被新进入政界的无赖破坏”,他抨击美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)对该协议的批评“愚昧无知”。
Mr Rouhani told world leaders at the UN general assembly in measured tones that Iran would not violate the 2015 deal, in which Iran agreed to scale back its nuclear programme and allow international inspections in exchange for the partial easing of sanctions. The Obama administration spent two years negotiating the pact.
鲁哈尼在联合国大会(UN general assembly)上用平和的语调告诉世界领导人,伊朗不会违反2015年的核协议,根据协议,伊朗同意缩减核计划,并允许国际机构核查,从而换取部分放宽制裁。奥巴马政府花了两年时间就该协议进行谈判。
But it would respond “decisively and resolutely” if any other party violated it, he said.
“By violating its international commitments the new US administration only destroys its own credibility and undermines international confidence in negotiating with it or accepting its word or promise,” Mr Rouhani said.
The future of the deal is seen as an indicator of US commitment to international agreements as it pursues a diplomatic solution for North Korea’s rapid nuclear development.
Mr Trump on Wednesday teased that he had made a decision about the future of the Iran nuclear agreement he has derided as an “embarrassment”, but did not reveal what it was.
Mr Tillerson met his Iranian counterpart for the first time on Wednesday, saying afterwards that the agreement had not met US expectations because it had failed to deliver a more stable, peaceful region.
European signatories to the historic pact are trying to prevent it from collapsing after Mr Trump denounced it as “one of the worst and one-sided” deals during his debut speech to the UN on Tuesday. He also characterised Iran as a “murderous regime”.
Mr Rouhani said Iran was committed to “the path of moderation”, adding it had no plans to restore its ancient empire or impose its religion on others, instead calling for global infrastructure investment to boost the country’s economy.
He criticised Mr Trump’s comments as “ignorant, absurd and hateful rhetoric” without referring to him by name.
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