百世物流(Best Logistics)已将其首次公开发行(IPO)的上市价确定在每股10美元,尽管投资者兴趣冷淡,但这可能是中资公司今年在美国纽约证交所(NYSE)进行的最大规模IPO。
The Hangzhou-based logistics firm now expects to raise $450m, less than half of the $1bn expected earlier this month, through an offer of 45m shares at $10 per share – at the bottom of the $10-11 range that sources had disclosed on Tuesday.
The company, which is backed by Chinese tech giant Alibaba, had earlier this month expected to offer 53.56m shares at $13-$15 per share.
Stocks begin trading at 9:30am in New York on Wednesday.