谷歌(Google)信息隐私和安全主管希瑟•阿德金斯(Heather Adkins)表示,流氓政府正越来越多的购买“现成”的黑客攻击,这可以让它们更容易、更低价的方式发动网络攻击。
Heather Adkins, director of information privacy and security at Google, made the remarks at a conference in San Francisco on Monday. While state-sponsored cyber attacks were nothing new, she said, the number of incursions was rising.
“What I see increasing trendwise is the attack platforms are no longer something they need to build themselves, they can buy it off the shelf,” said Ms Adkins. As a result, smaller governments were able to launch cyber attacks inexpensively, without having to assemble their own teams of hackers, she said.
Security analysts have blamed Russian state-backed cyber spies for a number of recent attacks. Chinese state-backed hackers have been accused of industrial espionage. Pro-Syrian government hackers have also been identified.
Paul Innella, chief executive of cyber security firm TDI Security, said the price for off-the-shelf hacks depended on the type of attack.
网络安全公司TDI Security首席执行官保罗•因内拉(Paul Innella)表示,现成黑客攻击的价格取决于攻击类型。
“Dedicated outcomes against known large enterprises or governments, or the ‘big heist’, command much higher paydays, usually in the tens of thousands [of US dollars],” he said.
Governments often supplement their hacking capabilities with so-called “hackers-for-hire”, Mr Innella said. “It appears that the lengthy attacks committed by state-actors are handled by their own government capability while hackers-for-hire handle some more specialised attacks or a specific task that might be better served carried out from a different originating endpoint in the web.”