韩国表示将开始游说联合国(UN)切断对朝鲜的国际石油供应。许多专家认为,此举将“扼住金正恩(Kim Jong Un)政权的咽喉”。
The proposal is likely to be met with stern resistance from China, North Korea’s fellow Communist neighbour and largest trading partner by far, which fears the collapse of the Pyongyang regime and the humanitarian and geopolitical chaos that could ensue.
The poor chances of success underscore the dearth of options facing Seoul and Washington as the two allies seek to rein in Pyongyang’s increasingly sophisticated nuclear and ballistic weapons programmes.
On Sunday, the regime tested its sixth nuclear device. South Korea’s spy agency believes another long-range missile test is imminent.
“It’s time for the United Nations Security Council to seriously consider ways to block North Korea’s sources of foreign currency, including a halt to oil supplies to the North and a ban on its exportation of labourers,” Moon Jae-in, South Korea’s president, was quoted by his office as saying.
“联合国安理会是时候认真考虑切断朝鲜获得外汇的办法了,包括停止对朝鲜供应石油,以及禁止朝鲜输出劳动力,”韩国总统办公室援引总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)的话称。
The idea will chime with the US, whose ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, called for the “strongest sanctions” yet imposed on the regime.
这个主张将很合美国的胃口。美国驻联合国大使尼基•黑利(Nikki Haley)呼吁对朝鲜政权实施“最严厉的制裁”。
Last month the Security Council unanimously imposed tough new sanctions on the Kim regime, banning its export of coal, iron and lead in a move that could slash Pyongyang’s $3bn export revenue.
“Trade is the single most important source of foreign currency for the North Korean regime,” said Kim Byung-yeon, an authority on the North Korean economy at Seoul National University.
“贸易是朝鲜政权获得外汇的一条最重要渠道,”首尔大学(Seoul National University)的朝鲜问题权威金炳连(Kim Byung-yeon)说。
“Given a high profit margin of mineral exports, the new sanctions might decrease North Korea’s hard currency revenue by more than one-third. This would be a substantial hindrance to the regime’s nuclear and missile weapons programme.”
Prof Kim noted, however, that for sanctions to be effective China “must be on board”.
China on Monday condemned North Korea’s nuclear test in a joint statement with the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa at the Brics summit in Xiamen. However, its condemnation is unlikely to extend as far as an oil embargo.
Meanwhile, South Korea on Tuesday mobilised its navy its in its latest live-fire exercise, intended to demonstrate its resolve to retaliate in case of an attack from the North.
Among the ships joining the drill were a 2,500-tonne frigate, a 1,000-tonne patrol boat and a 400-tonne guided missile vessel.
“If the enemy provokes anywhere, whether on or under water, we will immediately hit back and bury them at sea,” said Choi Young-chan, commander of South Korea’s 13th Maritime Battle Group.
“如果敌人在任何地点发起挑衅,无论是在水上还是水下,我们都将立刻回击,让他们葬身海底,”韩国第13海上战斗群(Maritime Battle Group)指挥官崔永赞(Choi Young-chan,音译)说。