唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)警告,同朝鲜对话“不是解决办法”。在朝鲜进行了最近的弹道导弹试射后,平壤与华盛顿之间的紧张再次升级。
“The US has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years. Talking is not the answer!” Mr Trump tweeted one day after he had declared that “all options are on the table”.
Over the past few months, the US state department has been urging other countries — particularly China, which has the most leverage with North Korea — to ramp up economic and diplomatic pressure on Pyongyang in the hope that it would force North Korea to enter into serious negotiations over its nuclear programme.
Mr Trump’s comment appeared to undermine that policy. Shortly after the tweet, Jim Mattis, his defence secretary, who is seen as a stabilising influence in the administration, said “we’re never out of diplomatic solutions”. Mr Mattis, who has warned that war on the Korean peninsula would be “catastrophic,” spoke as he welcomed South Korea’s defence minister, Song Young Moo, to the Pentagon.
特朗普的言论似乎削弱了这一政策。在他发表上述推文后不久,他的国防部长、被视为特朗普政府内部稳定性影响人物的吉姆•马蒂斯(Jim Mattis),在欢迎韩国国防部长宋永武(Song Young Moo)到访五角大楼时表示:“我们永远不会没有外交解决办法”。马蒂斯曾警告说,朝鲜半岛如爆发战争,将是“灾难性的”。
“Trump’s tweet makes him look both detached from his top adviser and from the strategic reality of the situation,” said Evan Medeiros, a former White House Asia adviser to Barack Obama now at Eurasia Group. “He is dangerously undercutting his credibility throughout Asia.”
“特朗普的推文使他看上去脱离自己的高级顾问,脱离当前局势的战略现实,”曾任巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的白宫亚洲事务首席顾问、现任职于欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)的麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)表示。“他正在危险地削弱自己在整个亚洲的可信度。”
North Korea early on Tuesday fired a ballistic missile that flew over Japan, in a highly provocative move that came days after Mr Trump had said Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader, was “starting to respect” the US. Rex Tillerson, US secretary of state, last week also welcomed the fact that Pyongyang had not tested any missiles since the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on the country on August 8.
朝鲜在周二清晨发射了一枚飞越日本的弹道导弹,这是一个高度挑衅性的举动,而就在几天前特朗普曾表示,朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)“开始尊重”美国。美国国务卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)上周也对一个事实表示肯定,即自8月8日联合国安理会(UN Security Council)通过新一轮对朝鲜制裁以来,平壤方面未曾试射导弹。
Since those comments, North Korea has launched three short-range missiles as well as Tuesday’s longer-range ballistic missile test. North Korean state media reported that Mr Kim had overseen the latest test, and described it as a prelude for future action to contain Guam, the US territory and military base in the Pacific.
“Between the short-range missiles launches last Saturday and the medium-range missile on Tuesday, Pyongyang is sending a message that Seoul and Tokyo are its hostages,” said Yang Wook of the Korea Defense and Security Forum.
“联系上周六发射的短程导弹和周二的中程导弹,平壤方面发出的讯息是首尔和东京是它的人质,”韩国国防与安全论坛(Korea Defence and Security Forum)的Yang Wook表示。
“By firing the missile at a normal angle, North Korea is showing this is not simply a test but a real launch . . . North Korea is demonstrating in an indirect way that could target Guam with its missiles. Judging from the launch, they seem to have this capability now.”
Mr Kim’s threat in early August that North Korea would fire missiles near Guam escalated tension dramatically, as Mr Trump warned that the US would respond with unprecedented “fire and fury”.
North Korea has a long history of dramatic threats. But tensions on the Korean peninsula are considerably higher than in the past because of concerns that it is moving closer to being able to hit the US with a nuclear-armed missile.
US intelligence agencies previously estimated that North Korea would achieve that capability before the end of Mr Trump’s first term. But fears that it may be further along the path have grown after North Korea conducted its two first tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles.