劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)将出售其在伦敦金融城(City of London)的总部,这笔售后回租交易将利用受中国买家大举涌入提振的房地产市场。
The plan comes as Asian investors drive prices for London office assets to fresh highs. Lloyds is preparing to bring the building to the market but has not yet done so, according to two people briefed on the situation.
The UK lender could make £140m to £150m from such a deal, according to agents familiar with the building at 25 Gresham Street in the City. It does not intend to move out of the building, but would negotiate a long lease with any potential buyer. Lloyds declined to comment.
据了解这座大楼——伦敦金融城格雷沙姆街(Gresham Street) 25号——的地产中介称,这家英国银行将从这笔交易斩获1.40亿至1.50亿英镑。该银行不准备搬出这座大楼,但将与潜在买家谈判长期租约。劳埃德拒绝置评。
Despite concerns about the London property market after the vote to leave the EU, investor demand for office buildings has been strong in recent months, largely thanks to outbound Chinese capital: Chinese and Hong Kong buyers plunged almost £4bn into London real estate in the first half of this year, according to the property advisers CBRE.
The Chinese buyers have been drawn in by the decline in sterling and by property yields that compare favourably with other global cities such as Hong Kong and big German cities.
Two landmark skyscrapers, the “Walkie Talkie” at 20 Fenchurch Street and the “Cheesegrater” or Leadenhall Building, both sold to Chinese buyers for more than £1bn each this year.
今年,伦敦两座地标性摩天大楼以超过10亿英镑的价格出售给了中国买家,一座是位于芬丘奇街(Fenchurch Street) 20号的“对讲机”(Walkie Talkie),另一座是被称为“奶酪刨”(Cheesegrater)的兰特荷大厦(Leadenhall Building)。
Meanwhile, 20 Gresham Street, close to Lloyds’ headquarters, was sold to China Resources Land, a state-owned group, and the US company Northstar Realty Europe for more than £300m in May.
与此同时,今年5月,距离劳埃德总部不远的格雷沙姆街20号也以超过3亿英镑的价格,出售给了中国国有企业华润置地(China Resources Land)和美国公司北极星房地产欧洲公司(Northstar Realty Europe)。