在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)与习近平在前者位于佛罗里达州的度假别墅首次会面时,中国政府一名高级官员公开质疑称,美国总统最重要的国内政治顾问是否真把北京方面视为敌人、甚至是死敌。
“But Steve Bannon spent years [working] at Goldman Sachs,” the official protested in a conversation with the Financial Times. “He also reads widely and understands history. I don’t think he will be that radical.”
“但史蒂夫•班农(Steve Bannon)在高盛(Goldman Sachs)工作多年,”该官员在与英国《金融时报》(Financial Times) 谈话时质疑道,“他还博览群书,了解历史。我不认为他会那么激进。”
Last week the ruling Chinese Communist party had its answer. In what turned out to be his swansong interview just before he was fired, Mr Bannon said the US was engaged in a winner-take-all “economic war” with China. He added that he fought “every day” with another Goldman Sachs alumnus, White House economic adviser Gary Cohn, and other administration figures who sought a more moderate approach towards dealing with America’s principal geopolitical rival.
上周,执政的中国共产党得到了答案。就在班农被炒掉前不久接受的采访中(结果成了他的告别采访),班农表示美国正在与中国进行一场赢者通吃的“经济战争”。他补充称,他“每天”都在与另一名高盛的前同事、白宫经济顾问加里•科恩(Gary Cohn)以及其他政府官员作斗争,他们寻求以更温和的方式与美国的这个主要地缘政治竞争对手打交道。
Mr Bannon’s abrupt departure is a reminder that Beijing’s strategy for “containing Trump” has so far been a successful one. But it is also a strategy that has benefited greatly from that most precious of commodities — luck.
As it stands, Chinese officials cannot believe their luck, beginning with Mr Trump’s decision to abandon the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement on his first full day in office.
目前,中国官员简直无法相信自己的一连串好运——从特朗普上任第一天就决定抛弃《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement,简称TPP)开始。
The TPP would have locked the US and China’s largest Asian trading partners in a formidable economic block from which Beijing was initially excluded. In the likely event that the Chinese government later applied for TPP entry, Washington would have had its best opportunity to pry open the China market since Beijing asked to join the World Trade Organisation in the late 1990s.
As one disappointed US diplomat told the FT earlier this year: “We threw away our best leverage over China on day one.”
A People’s Liberation Army general was as gleeful as the diplomat was deflated. In a video of an internal talk that leaked online, Jin Yi’nan called the TPP decision a “grand gift, although [Trump] does not know it”.
In the months that followed Mr Trump’s TPP decision, Chinese officials breathed easier and easier as one threat after another melted away.
The US president did not discard the long-standing “One China” as suggested by his unprecedented December phone call with Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen. He did not declare, as promised on the campaign trail, China a “currency manipulator”. And the deadline for a “100-day” trade and investment negotiation begun in Florida passed last month without a meaningful agreement.
While Mr Trump’s administration has just launched a probe into alleged Chinese theft of intellectual property, it will probably drag on for at least one year.
As a result Beijing has achieved its first objective vis-à-vis Mr Trump: to avoid any economic disruptions with its most important trading partner ahead of a Communist party congress this autumn that will mark the start of Mr Xi’s second term in office. The US president has, in other words, thus thrown out his second best piece of leverage over Beijing.
China must still navigate difficult trade and investment negotiations with a US commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, and a US trade representative who both understand that the Chinese Communist party’s unique brand of “state capitalism” poses challenges that the WTO is not equipped to handle.
中国仍然必须搞定与美国商务部长威尔伯•罗斯(Wilbur Ross)和一名美国贸易代表的艰难贸易和投资谈判。二人都明白,中共独一无二的“国家资本主义”构成的挑战是WTO无法解决的。
In his confirmation hearing in June, USTR Robert Lighthizer demonstrated that he understood the perils of Chinese state capitalism as well as Hillary Clinton did. Mrs Clinton sounded her own alarm on the subject in a series of detailed speeches while secretary of state, and would probably have been laser-focused on the issue had she defeated Mr Trump in last year’s presidential election.
在6月的任职确认听证会上,美国贸易代表罗伯特•莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer)证明自己像希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)一样明白中国国家资本主义的危险。希拉里在担任国务卿期间曾在一系列详细的演讲中就该问题发出警告,如果她在去年的总统大选中击败了特朗普,现在她可能已经瞄准这一问题了。
But Beijing’s showdown with Mr Ross and Mr Lighthizer will run for a year at least. Mr Xi can live with that, especially when pitted against an American president whose competence and authority waste further away with each passing week.