China has set up its first court specializing in handling of internet-related disputes in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, where many technology enterprises are located, amid rapid growth of online purchases and financial activities in the country.
杭州互联网法院(The Hangzhou Court of the Internet)负责审理六类涉互联网民事、行政案件(civil and administrative internet-related cases),包括互联网购物、服务、小额金融借款等合同纠纷和互联网著作权(online intellectual property rights)权属、侵权纠纷等。
与普通法院相比,互联网法院的法庭没有原告、被告席(the plaintiff’s and the defendant's seats),也没有书记员(court clerk),而是采用语音识别系统(speech recognition system)进行记录。从立案(case filing)到庭审(court hearing),诉讼的全部环节均可以在线完成(handle a lawsuit entirely online),诉讼当事人无需亲自出庭(litigants do not have to go to the court in person),在家就能打官司。
首先点击法院官网www.netcourt.gov.cn进入杭州互联网法院诉讼平台,如果要起诉,需要通过手机注册并实名认证后填写起诉状,如果立案通过,就可以在线缴纳诉讼费(legal cost)了。
如果法院立案,就会通过短信通知被告应诉(Defendants will be notified via text messages if the court files the case)。
庭审将通过远程视频系统(remote video system)在线进行。原被告都需保持网络畅通。
案件宣判后,如果不服法院判决(if litigants disagree with the verdict),可以到杭州市中级人民法院(intermediate people's court)上诉。