The diplomatic move, a contrast to Donald Trump’s threat of “fire and fury like the world has never seen”, came hours after Pyongyang raised the stakes by announcing it was “seriously examining” a plan to “interdict” US forces based in the Pacific territory of Guam with four ballistic missile strikes nearby.
韩国的这个外交举动与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)威胁的“世界从未见识过的火与怒”形成对比,而就在几小时前,平壤方面加大了赌注,宣称正在“认真研究”一个计划,拟用4枚弹道导弹来“阻断”太平洋岛屿关岛上的美军部队。
General Kim Rak Gyom, commander of the North Korean army’s strategic force, was quoted as saying the missiles would fly over Japan and hit the waters 30km-40km from Guam after travelling 3,356.7km for 1,065 seconds.
朝鲜官媒援引朝鲜战略部队指挥官金乐兼(Kim Rak-gyom)将军的话称,这些导弹将在1065秒内飞行3356.7公里,在飞越日本后打在距离关岛30-40公里的海上。
The threat sparked concern and alarm in Tokyo and Seoul, which called on Pyongyang to cease provocations and sabre-rattling.
“Military tension or an armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula will not benefit any country,” said Park Soo-hyun, a spokesperson for South Korea’s presidential Blue House following a meeting of its National Security Council.
“韩半岛的军事紧张或武装冲突不会有益于任何一个国家,”韩国总统府青瓦台的发言人朴洙贤(Park Soo-hyun)在国家安全委员会(National Security Council)开会后表示。
“The NSC standing committee decided to take active diplomatic measures to help ease tension while keeping the country’s door for dialogue with North Korea” open, he added.
Under liberal President Moon Jae-in, South Korea has made repeated overtures to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, calling for military and humanitarian talks.
在自由派的总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)领导下,韩国已再三向朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)表达善意,呼吁举行军事和人道主义对话。
Seoul, a city of 10m people just 50km from the two nations’ highly fortified border, is particularly concerned about the risk of conflict. But the South Korean requests have either been ignored or rebuffed by Mr Kim’s regime.
On Thursday, North Korean state media released pictures of a mass rally it said was held in Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang on Wednesday.
周四,朝鲜官媒公布了几张大规模集会的照片,称集会于周三在平壤金日成广场(Kim Il Sung Square)举行。
“At this stage, it is hard to imagine any real diplomacy kicking in,” said Kim Ki-ho, professor of international politics at South Korea’s Kyonggi university. “Tensions will probably escalate for the time being, given the confrontational personalities of Kim Jong Un and Trump. China or Russia would probably try to intervene at the last minute if there were any signs of military conflicts.”
“在当前阶段,很难相信会有真正的外交活动,”韩国京畿大学(Kyonggi university)国际政治教授Kim Ki-ho表示,“考虑到金正恩和特朗普的对抗个性,眼下的紧张局面很可能升级。如果有任何军事冲突迹象的话,中国或俄罗斯可能会在最后时刻试图干预。”
Some analysts also express concern that the US is not doing all it could to co-ordinate with South Korea, where Mr Trump has yet to nominate an ambassador. While several officials sought to calm the tone following Mr Trump’s remarks, US secretary of defence Jim Mattis also emphasised the extent and capabilities of US power, warning Pyongyang that its actions “could lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people.”
一些分析人士也表达担忧称,美国并没有竭尽所能与韩国协调,特朗普至今未提名美国驻韩大使人选。尽管在特朗普发表那些言论后一些官员试图缓和调子,但美国国防部长吉姆•马蒂斯(Jim Mattis)也强调了美国武力的范围和能力,警告平壤方面其举动“可能导致其政权终结,而人民家破人亡”。
Japan has also taken a more assertive position, warning that a North Korean missile fired at Guam would represent a threat to the country’s “existence as a nation”, and that Tokyo had the legal right to shoot it down.
Tokyo’s previous stance was that it could only shoot down missiles that were on course to hit Japan.
Itsunori Onodera, defence minister, said if a missile were fired towards Guam it would represent a failure of the US deterrence that protects Japan.
日本防卫大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)表示,如果导弹射向关岛,那将代表美国保护日本的威慑失效。
That failure, said Mr Onodera, could be taken as endangering Japan’s existence and would allow Japan to exercise its right to collective self-defence by activating the Aegis missile defence system launched from naval destroyers.
Although the route of a missile fired from North Korea towards Guam would probably take it over Japan, military experts have expressed doubts over whether Japan could shoot it out of the sky.