本月,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)将一项恢复美国对华牛肉出口的协议誉为对华贸易谈判取得的初步胜利。
“China just agreed that the US will be allowed to sell beef, and other major products, into China once again,” the US president tweeted. “This is REAL news!”
But prime American steak is already on the menu at many mainland restaurants despite a ban in place since a 2003 case of mad cow disease: there is a flourishing grey market in secondary imports from Hong Kong, where the curbs did not apply.
“That’s a secret,” said a waiter at New York Style Steak & Burger in Shanghai when asked how it sourced its meat.
“这是个秘密,”上海New York Style Steak & Burger的一名侍者在被问及该店牛肉的采购地时说。
Cuts destined for China could make up half of US beef exports to Hong Kong, according to Chenjun Pan, an analyst at Rabobank — a figure that would represent more than $340m of meat a year.
运往中国内地的牛排,可能占美国对香港牛肉出口的一半,荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)分析师潘晨军(Chenjun Pan)表示,这相当于每年3.4亿美元的牛排。
The official revival of US beef exports to China stands to benefit big producers such as Tyson, which have missed out on a boom in Chinese beef demand. Chinese imports of the meat have soared in recent years, reaching $2.5bn last year — up 700 per cent on 2012 — as rising incomes boost meat consumption while relatively inefficient domestic producers struggle to keep up with demand.
Several Chinese importers told the Financial Times they were keen to start buying premium grain-fed US beef as soon as possible.
Although most of China’s imports are of lower-priced grass-fed beef from Brazil, Uruguay and Australia, US beef has long been perceived as higher quality, and it is this that has fuelled the grey market trade via Hong Kong.
Zhou Wenjie, a buyer at an import business based in Jiangsu province, said the prevalence of smuggling would set a ceiling on future prices. US beef is expected to sell for higher prices than those charged for Australian meat, which retails online from about Rmb80 ($11) per kilogramme, but lower than those for Canadian beef, which starts at roughly Rmb120, he estimated.
The existence of the grey channel “means the mainland has a lot of demand,” Henry Huang, managing director at beef importer JOC Australia, told the Financial Times. “US beef is acceptable in China. I think the price of high-quality grass-fed beef will crash a little bit, because the US has very good advantage in high-quality cuts.”
灰色渠道的存在“意味着中国内地的需求很大”,牛肉进口商JOC Australia的董事总经理Henry Huang告诉英国《金融时报》,“美国牛肉在中国受到好评。我认为,优质草饲牛肉的价格会略微下滑,因为美国在优质牛排方面拥有很大优势。”
Yu Xuerong, chairman of food importer Shanghai Paradise Garden, said his company would “certainly import US beef”. He said that it was popular before the ban, and that he was in contact with Cargill, the world’s biggest agricultural commodities merchant.
食品进口商上海天萃庭健康食品有限公司(Shanghai Paradise Garden)董事长余学荣表示,他的公司“肯定会进口美国牛肉”。他说,禁令出台前美国牛肉很受欢迎,他正在与全球最大的农产品贸易商嘉吉(Cargill)进行接触。
China’s opening to the US has been in the works for a long time, with an initial announcement in the final months of the Obama administration. But analysts warn that it may take many more years for a large-scale beef supply chain from the US to China to mature.
In a possible harbinger of what awaits the US, Ireland announced the relaunch of beef exports to China in 2015 only to meet a series of bureaucratic hurdles, and the trade in beef has yet to start flowing.
Meanwhile, specifics such as tariffs and standards for producers have yet to be decided.
“We can evaluate the scope of this potential . . . only after we see the details of the import conditions,” said Joel Haggard of the US Meat Export Federation.
“只有在看到进口条件的细节之后,我们才能评估这种潜力有多大,”美国肉类出口协会(US Meat Export Federation)的何嘉德(Joel Haggard)说。