韩国前领导人朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)对18项腐败和滥用权力罪名表示不服罪。她的案件周二在首尔开始庭审。
The 65-year-old appeared forlorn and downtrodden as she arrived at the court, handcuffed and wearing a badge with her prison number, 503.
When asked for her occupation by judge Kim Se-yun as the historic trial began, Ms Park replied: “I don’t have any.”
在这场历史性的审判开始之际,朴槿惠在被法官Kim Se-yun问及她的职业时回答到:“我没有任何职业。”
The trial marks the latest stage in a dramatic fall from grace for Ms Park, who — before her impeachment this year over a sprawling and occasionally salacious corruption scandal — was South Korea’s most powerful person.
As the country’s first democratically elected leader to face trial, Ms Park’s prosecution is seen by many observers as a necessary step in the development of South Korea’s young democracy.
She stands accused of colluding with a long-time friend, Choi Soon-sil, to extort tens of millions of dollars from some of South Korea’s biggest companies, including Samsung.
她被指控与长期闺蜜崔顺实(Choi Soon-sil)串通,向韩国一些最大公司——包括三星(Samsung)——敲诈了数千万美元。
Ms Choi is also alleged to have exerted influence over a wide array of presidential decision-making — from issues of national security to what clothes Ms Park should wear.
“The accused let Choi, who had no official position, intervene in state affairs . . . and they abused power and pressurised business companies to offer bribes, thus taking private gains,” said senior prosecutor Lee Won-Seok in opening remarks.
“被告让没有任何官方职位的崔插手国家事务……她们滥用权力,施压商业企业提供贿赂,从而谋取私利,”高级检察官Lee Won-Seok在开案陈词中表示。
The two women appeared together at the hearing. Despite a decades-long friendship, they did not acknowledge each other.
If convicted, Ms Park could face the rest of her life behind bars. 如果被判有罪,朴槿惠可能面临终身监禁。
Tuesday’s hearing was her first public appearance since being jailed in late March. Her arrest followed months of mass public demonstrations, which eventually triggered her impeachment and the loss of her presidential immunity.
A snap election to replace her was held this month, with the liberal-leaning Moon Jae-in claiming an emphatic victory.
本月韩国举行了提前选举,以选出接替她的领导人。结果自由派的文在寅(Moon Jae-in)高票当选。
Mr Moon has vowed to change South Korea’s common presidential practice of granting pardons to convicted former leaders or businessmen.
Closely entwined with Ms Park’s trial is that of Lee Jae-yong, the de facto head of Samsung, the country’s biggest company.
与朴槿惠受审密切相关的是韩国最大企业三星事实上的掌门人李在镕(Lee Jae-yong)的受审。
The billionaire heir to the South Korean technology group has been accused of bribing Ms Park and Ms Choi with $38m in return for political favours to smooth his succession and consolidate control over key units of the company — charges he denies.
Also on trial on Tuesday was Shin Dong-bin, the chairman of Lotte, South Korea’s fifth-largest conglomerate. He also stands accused of offering bribes in exchange for business favours — claims he denies.
周二受审的还有韩国第五大综合企业乐天集团(Lotte Group)董事长辛东彬(Shin Dong-bin)。他也被指控行贿以换取商业利益。他否认这些指控。
The trial of Ms Park, daughter of former strongman leader Park Chung-hee, is expected to last less than six months, with two or three hearings scheduled every week.
身为前强人总统朴正熙(Park Chung-hee)之女的朴槿惠,预计将面临持续近六个月的审判,其间每周安排两至三次庭审。
She is the third South Korean president to face corruption charges. Military-era leaders Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo were jailed in the mid-1990s but subsequently pardoned.
她是韩国第三位面对腐败罪名的总统。上世纪90年代中期,军人统治时代的领导人全斗焕(Chun Doo-hwan)和卢泰愚(Roh Tae-woo)曾被判入狱,但随后获得赦免。