The opening of the bond market to foreigners is part of a transformation in the international financial system, which is slowly linking up with a Chinese economy that was once walled off behind tight capital controls. It is a crucial step in Beijing’s plan to turn the renminbi into one of the anchor currencies of the global economy.
But the risk for China’s economic planners is that no one shows up to their bond market party, amid fears over capital controls and default risk. International fund managers acknowledge that Chinese onshore debt is bound to become a big part of global fixed-income portfolios, but add qualifiers such as “eventually” and “medium- to long-term”. Few, it seems, want to go in first.
“For an economy that is a tenth of the global economy with a similar share in global exports and investment, the singular lack of financial integration is striking and cannot last,” says Qu Hongbin, chief Greater China economist at HSBC in Hong Kong.
Until recently, foreign participation in the Chinese market was tightly controlled by quotas and licensing requirements. That changed in February 2016, when the People’s Bank of China threw wide open the doors to the interbank bond market, where most Chinese debentures trade. With one stroke, the central bank cleared the way for banks, insurers, securities firms, asset management companies, pension funds and non-profit endowments to enter the market without prior approval.
Last month the government widened access further, announcing a programme to let investors in Hong Kong buy Chinese onshore bonds through their own brokerages. Modelled on the Stock Connect programmes linking Hong Kong’s exchange with those in Shanghai and Shenzhen, the Shanghai Bond Connect will allow foreigners to buy onshore Chinese bonds without the need for an onshore account.
Despite expanded access, however, interest from foreign investors has so far been tepid. Foreign holdings of Chinese domestic bonds rose a modest 13 per cent last year, according to central bank figures. At Rmb853bn ($124bn) by the end of 2016, foreign holdings equal only 1.3 per cent of total market value.
“China’s interest rates are modestly higher than in the west, and the long-term prospects for the economy and the currency are still good,” says David Dollar, former US Treasury economic and financial emissary to China and now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “However, there are all kinds of risks, and interest rates strike me as low relative to the risks.”
“中国的利率略高于西方,中国经济以及人民币汇率的长期前景仍然不错,”美国财政部前驻华经济和金融特使、现为华盛顿布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)高级研究员的杜大伟(David Dollar)说,“然而,存在着各种各样的风险,同时在我看来,利率相对于风险不算高。”
Fund manager caution
Among the types of foreign investors, central banks and sovereign wealth funds have responded most positively. After the International Monetary Fund’s decision in late 2015 to add the Chinese currency to its special drawing rights, the renminbi officially assumed the status of reserve currency in October last year. Because all IMF members hold SDRs among their reserves, this change meant renminbi assets automatically entered the reserve portfolios of the fund’s 189 member countries.
在不同类型的境外投资者中,央行和主权财富基金的回应最为积极。国际货币基金组织(IMF) 2015年末决定把人民币纳入其特别提款权货币篮子之后,人民币去年10月正式拥有了储备货币的地位。因为所有IMF成员国在本国外汇储备中都持有特别提款权货币,这一变化意味着人民币资产自动进入了该组织189个成员国的外汇储备资产组合。
Beyond these automatic purchases, many other sovereign investors take their cue from the IMF. “As the renminbi becomes a bigger part of the SDR basket, central bank reserve managers, large sovereign pension plans and the like will probably have to adjust their holdings to reflect the higher allocations within global sovereign portfolios,” says Manu George, senior investment director for Asian fixed income at Schroders Investment Management.
除了这些自动购入,其他许多主权投资机构也从IMF得到启发。施罗德投资管理公司(Schroders Investment Management)亚洲固定收益部门高级投资主管马努•乔治(Manu George)表示:“随着人民币在特别提款权货币篮子中份额扩大,央行储备经理、大型主权养老金计划等很可能将不得不调整所持资产,以反映全球主权投资组合中人民币债券较高的配置。”
Global central banks owned $84.5bn worth of renminbi assets as foreign exchange reserves at the end of last year, equal to 1.1 per cent of global reserves, IMF data show.
Taken together, the IMF and PBoC data suggest that central banks account for about two-thirds of total foreign holdings of Chinese bonds. Adding SWFs — whose renminbi holdings are mostly excluded from the IMF data — the government share of total Chinese bond holdings appears higher still. The flipside of these figures, however, is considerable caution on the part of private fund managers.
One factor is the risk of defaults. The first default in the Chinese bond market occurred only in 2015 by Shanghai Chaori Solar, after years in which bailouts were the norm. Though bonds remain safer than other credit in China, defaults have become more common.
违约风险是一个因素。中国债券市场的第一起违约在2015年才发生,违约方为上海超日太阳能科技(Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology);此前多年里救助是常态。虽然债券仍比中国的其他信贷安全,但违约已变得更加常见。
Legal bankruptcies are also increasingly common, following years in which a bankruptcy law passed in 2006 was little used. Even so, large restructurings of important companies are typically orchestrated by government officials through extra-legal negotiations, which introduce political considerations into the process.
“For large enterprises with debt in the hundreds of billions, they are traditionally handled through administrative means. Local governments or even the State Council will take control and settle things out of court,” says Wang Xinxin, a professor at Renmin University Law School in Beijing.
In the case of Huishan Dairy, whose shares dropped 85 per cent last month, provincial authorities in northeastern Liaoning province ordered creditors not to sue. The case showed how officials will intervene with debt problems even at a privately owned company, if its potential collapse threatens the local economy or the solvency of local banks. The ban on legal action meant that even creditors with collateral were at risk of being unable to enforce their claims.
以辉山乳业(Huishan Dairy)为例,该公司股价上月下跌85%,地处中国东北的辽宁省政府下令债权人不得起诉。该案例表明即使是民营企业,只要其潜在崩溃威胁到当地经济或当地银行的偿付能力,官员们就会干预债务问题。禁止起诉意味着,即使是拥有抵押品的债权人,也面临着无法执行其债权的风险。
Another issue is credit ratings. The three large global rating agencies — Fitch, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s — all have Chinese joint ventures. But rating methodologies differ substantially.
另一个问题是信用评级。惠誉(Fitch)、穆迪(Moody’s)和标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s)三大全球评级机构都有中国合资企业,但评级方法有很大不同。
“There seems to be a disparity in analysing companies. If it’s one notch — OK, fine. But you can’t have the equivalent of an A rating onshore and then have Fitch and S&P rate it as a B,” says Jamie Tadelis, co-head of sales at SC Lowy, a Hong Kong investment bank.
香港投资银行SC Lowy销售部联合负责人杰米•塔德里斯(Jamie Tadelis)表示:“在分析公司方面似乎存在差异。如果相差一级,那还好,没问题。但你不能有在岸评级相当于A,而惠誉和标普评级为B的局面。”
Chinese rating agencies counter that their ratings are often higher in part because most bond issuers are state-owned enterprises. Local agencies place more weight than their foreign counterparts on the likelihood of government support for a company, even if such support is not codified in law.
“We will pay attention to credit fundamentals, but at the same time, we also pay attention to the degree of credit support from various levels of government. Sometimes this support takes the form of an implicit guarantee,” says Yan Yan, chairman of China Chengxin Credit Rating, a joint venture with Moody’s.
Some investors are also worried that the corporate bond market is indistinguishable from the broader debt overhang facing the Chinese economy. Non-financial debt in China hit 277 per cent of gross domestic product at the end of 2016, up from about 150 per cent at the end of 2008, when Beijing unleashed a fiscal and monetary stimulus to cushion the impact of the global financial crisis. Corporate debt has been the biggest driver of the overall increase.
However, despite the risk of excessive debt for China’s broader economy, the bond market is a relatively safe entry point for foreign debt investors. Banks — along with non-bank “shadow” lenders such as trusts, securities companies and fund management companies — are where China’s riskiest debt lurks, analysts say.
In the bond market, junk bonds barely exist. An approval process filters out the worst would-be issuers. Most actual issuers are large state-owned companies and banks with strong credit profiles. By contrast, the shadow-banking system is the main refuge for weak borrowers unable to access credit from cheaper sources.
Moreover, bonds are not the driver of China’s credit boom. Despite rapid volume growth, bonds still account for only 11 per cent of total outstanding corporate and household debt, according to the central bank. By contrast, bank loans comprise 72 per cent, while shadow bank credit makes up 16 per cent.
Trapped money fears
Even in government bonds, which carry minimal default risk, investors have other concerns, including whether their money could be trapped in China. Late last year, in a bid to curb capital outflows and cut pressure on the renminbi, Beijing cracked down on outbound acquisitions by Chinese companies, after a record-breaking year. Chinese individuals have had difficulty buying foreign exchange for personal use.
Regulators insist they are merely tightening enforcement and that the moves do not amount to new capital controls. But for investors, this distinction is semantic. In practice, currency conversion and cross-border remittance are more difficult than a year ago.
So far, foreign investors in Chinese stocks and bonds have not faced restrictions. And for the moment, downward pressure on the renminbi has eased and foreign exchange reserves have stabilised, reducing the likelihood of further restrictions. But every dollar of foreign investment that flows into China’s bond market today increases the regulators’ incentive to keep that money from exiting tomorrow if outflow pressure resumes, as many analysts expect it will.
“The government’s desire to build up its bond markets, in tandem with the goal of making the renminbi a prominent international currency, suggests that foreign investors can count on relatively unconstrained financial flows,” says Eswar Prasad, professor at Cornell University and former China head of the IMF. “However, investors may not be fully persuaded by the government’s reassurances.”
“政府希望发展债券市场,这符合让人民币成为领先国际货币的目标,这似乎表明外国投资者可以期待相对不受限制的资金流动,”美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)经济学家、曾经担任IMF中国部负责人的埃斯瓦尔•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示,“然而,投资者可能不会完全相信政府的保证。”
Despite their concerns, foreign investors may soon have little choice but to at least dip their toes. In January, Bloomberg became the first major index provider to include Chinese onshore bonds in a benchmark index. Days later, Citibank’s index unit announced it would add Chinese treasuries to its series of government bond indices. A month earlier, Citi became the first US bank to obtain a coveted trading licence for China’s interbank bond market.
Adding Chinese onshore bonds to key benchmark indices would force asset managers’ hands. Inclusion in emerging-market bond indices could create automatic inflows worth $25bn-$40bn. If they are added to global bond indices, an additional $200bn-$300bn could flow in, according to Luke Drago Spajic, Singapore-based head of emerging Asia portfolio management at Pimco.
将中国在岸债券纳入关键基准指数,将迫使资产管理者配置中国债券。纳入新兴市场债券指数可能会自动创造250亿至400亿美元的资金流入。太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)驻新加坡的新兴亚洲组合主管卢克•斯帕伊奇(Luke Spajic)表示,如果被纳入全球债券指数,可能会再带来2000亿至3000亿美元的流入。
“Once they’re in your index — especially emerging market indices — then if you don’t own them, you could end up with massive tracking error. You can’t own nothing,” says Mr Spajic.
Beyond passive money, active managers will be attracted by high yields. Chinese 10-year government bonds currently yield about 3.4 per cent, compared with 2.35 per cent for the US, 0.25 per cent for Germany and 0.1 per cent for Japan. That creates an incentive to add more Chinese bonds.
“The question isn’t just whether investors are going to raise their holdings to benchmark levels. They may have to start buying more than index levels in order to outperform. That’s where it gets interesting,” says Mr Spajic.
China’s currency is perhaps the single biggest factor worrying foreign fund managers. The renminbi suffered its worst fall on record in 2016. It has stabilised this year, but most economists believe that it will still fall further over the next 12 months.
“Even with yields very attractive in onshore China, wiping out a lot of that through hedging activity drives overall return prospects lower,” says Schroders’ Mr George.