共和党议员戴文•努内斯(Devin Nunes)退出他领导的针对莫斯科干预美国大选的调查,为这一纠缠特朗普政府的俄罗斯谜团增添了新的曲折情节。
Mr Nunes announced his move on Thursday having been engulfed in accusations that he improperly briefed President Donald Trump on information that the Trump team had been “incidentally” swept up in foreign surveillance by US spy agencies.
努内斯在周四宣布此举之前受到指责,称他不合适地向总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)通报消息——关于特朗普团队被“连带”卷入美国间谍机构对外国目标的监视。
The credibility of the House probe had been damaged by Mr Nunes’ decision to brief the president, using intelligence it later emerged he had received from Trump administration officials on a late night visit to the White House.
Moments after Mr Nunes’ announcement on Thursday, the House ethics committee said it was investigating allegations that he had engaged in the unauthorised disclosure of classified information. It did not say whether the investigation related to Mr Nunes’ White House visits or something else, but said its announcement should not be taken as a sign that any wrongdoing had occurred.