Mr Li shot to prominence in 2015 when the soaring value of his listed unit Hanergy Thin Film Power, a solar panel equipment maker, briefly made him China’s richest man. However, its shares have been suspended since May 2015 after they inexplicably plunged almost 50 per cent in less than half an hour, wiping $19bn off its value in the process.
2015年李河君声名鹊起,旗下上市的太阳能电池板设备制造商汉能薄膜发电(Hanergy Thin Film Power)市值飙升,令他一度成为中国首富。然而2015年5月该公司股价在不到半小时莫名暴跌近50%,抹去190亿美元市值,随后该公司股票一直停牌。
The rise and fall happened amid a growing chorus of questions over the links between HTF and its parent, both of which are controlled by Mr Li, and the growing pile of receivables owed to HTF by Hanergy Holding, the parent.
汉能薄膜发电的这一涨跌,伴随着该公司与其母公司——两家公司均由李河君控制——之间的关系引发越来越多的质疑,同时母公司汉能控股(Hanergy Holding)欠汉能薄膜发电的应收账款不断增加。
Earlier this year, Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission sought the disqualification of Mr Li and five others from holding directorships and demanded a guarantee from Mr Li that HTF’s mainland parent would pay the outstanding receivables, of which HK$2.4bn are more than a year past due.
Meeting the conditions is a prerequisite to resuming trading, the regulator said at the time.
However, Mr Li’s offered guarantee would only kick in after the shares began trading, and he suggested a two-year repayment schedule, with half the funds due at the end of that.
He also pledged to HTF 1.37bn shares in itself, equivalent to 3 per cent of the company, to back the guarantee. At the shares’ last traded price of HK$3.91, the pledge is worth HK$5.3bn. Based on the amount owed to HTF, the implied share price is HK$2.31.
Hong Kong’s SFC declined to comment yesterday.
HTF reported a profit for 2016 of HK$658m following the sale of a solar power farm in Qinghai province and an energy asset in Guangdong. In 2015, it reported a HK$12bn loss.