Top policymakers announced in December that “houses are for living in, not for speculating with”. This was news to many citizens, for whom a house has become not only a place to live, but an investment, a pension plan, a status symbol and often a prerequisite for marriage.
The housing market is just one of many speculative investment routes for Chinese households seeking quick returns on investment. Over the past few years, amateur investors have piled in and out of a variety of the country’s nascent financial markets, buying up everything from company stocks to garlic futures.
After the stock market crashed in 2015, however, many retail investors turned back to housing. Unlike less tangible financial instruments, housing is a known asset, which has cultural significance as well as offering a predicable long-term return. Many see it as the obvious target to save towards.
“There’s a strong feeling of needing a lot of savings for a potential period of real need,” explains one local newspaper editor who wishes to remain anonymous. “For example, what happens if my son says: ‘I need to buy a house, or my girlfriend’s not going to agree to marry me’? What would you do as a father then? You have to find a downpayment.”
The commonly held view of housing as an essential investment has helped house prices in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai to rise by 20-30 per cent last year. But this period of breakneck rises has been brought to an abrupt halt by the government’s decision to stamp out a possible property bubble.
The clampdown started with concerted policies from more than 20 city governments to decrease demand for house purchasing. They have raised the minimum deposit required for taking out a mortgage and made it more difficult to buy extra homes. In addition, financial regulators have rolled out nationwide measures to restrict developers’ access to financing through the state banks and via the stock and bond markets.
The effect has been a sudden halt in house price growth in the cities designated as “hotspots” by regulators. The latest official data show that in January, prices for newly built housing sold on the commercial market, excluding government-subsidised housing, stayed largely flat from the previous month. Prices in the port cities of Shenzhen and Shanghai even came down by a fraction of a percentage point.
The collapse in price growth is in stark contrast to month-on-month increases — as high as 7 per cent — registered in Shenzhen in 2015. In spring last year, prices were rising at an annualised rate of more than 60 per cent. By January of this year, prices had increased by just 18 per cent over the previous 12 months. as investor interest waned.
Transaction volumes have fallen sharply as price growth as slackened. The number of buildings traded in 10 major cities fell by 30 per cent year-on-year in November, December and January, according to data compiled from the Wind Information service.
随着房价上涨势头减缓,交易量大幅下降。据万得资讯(Wind Information)编制的数据,去年11月、12月和今年1月,10个主要城市房屋交易量同比下降30%。
Despite the abrupt turnround in China’s house market boom, analysts say most investors will not be worried. “The Chinese property market is dominated by households, rather than institutional investors,” says Nicole Wong, head of China and Hong Kong property research at CLSA, a consultancy.
尽管中国房地产市场繁荣陡转急下,分析师们表示大多数投资者不会担心。里昂证券(CLSA)中国及香港房地产研究负责人王艳(Nicole Wong)表示:“中国房地产市场是由家庭、而不是机构投资者主导的。”
Jonas Short, head of China research at NSBO, an investment bank, agrees that such households are often buying for the longer term and are optimistic about future price rises beyond the end of this regulatory tightening. “Speculators we’ve spoken to see it as a minor blip. A lot of developers think this is a regulatory down cycle and will back up again,” says Mr Short. “The large majority of homebuyers in China buy and hold for more than two years, for example to pass on homes to children,” he adds.
投资银行蓝橡资本(NSBO)中国问题研究主任乔纳斯•肖特(Jonas Short)也认为,这些家庭购房通常是为了长期持有,他们对监管收紧期结束后价格继续上涨表示乐观。肖特说:“与我们交流过的投机者们视此为一段小插曲。很多开发商认为,这是监管部门态度的降温期,将来监管部门的态度还会再次升温。出于要将房子传给孩子等原因,中国绝大多数购房者买房后持有时间都超过两年。”
There is also little fear that house price falls will lead to knock-on effects for the financial system prompted by US-style foreclosures. The level of mortgage borrowing in the country is low compared to global peers: the average household’s mortgage loans make up only 10 per cent of the value of their housing, compared to almost 40 per cent for the US, according to China International Capital Corporation, an investment bank.
Just as stalling prices have been brought about by policy tightening, some argue the government can easily stoke demand. “You won’t see people marching on the street and complaining unless there’s a huge correction — and the government wouldn’t let that happen,” says Mr Short.
Policies to curb the house price boom have helped push investors into the resurging Hong Kong market. “One of the reasons prices started coming up again last year was an inflow of investment from China,” explains Ms Wong at CLSA. “With the US beginning to raise interest rates, mainlanders think there could be a prolonged loss of purchasing power in renminbi, so they start to allocate their assets overseas — and Hong Kong is a key receiving end.”
Nick Holt, Asia-Pacific head of research at consultancy Knight Frank, says investors including mainland developers and rich individuals are buying in Hong Kong. “There’s lots of money looking to leave. But the capital controls have made it harder,” he says.
咨询公司莱坊(Knight Frank)亚太地区研究负责人尼古拉斯•霍尔特(Nicholas Holt)表示,包括内地开发商和富人在内的投资者正在香港买房。“有大量资金想要离开,但资本管制加大了这样做的难度。”