平壤的朝鲜官方媒体周二报道称,在朝鲜的马来西亚人被暂时禁止离开该国。目前,金正男(Kim Jong Nam)之死引发的争执正不断升级。
The move was aimed at securing the safety of its citizens in Malaysia, according to the Korean Central News Agency report.
据朝中社(Korean Central News Agency)报道,这项禁令旨在保障在马朝鲜公民的安全。
Kim Jong Nam, the half brother of North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un, was killed in Kuala Lumpur International Airport last month.
金正男是朝鲜最高领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)同父异母的哥哥,上月在吉隆坡国际机场(Kuala Lumpur International Airport)遇刺。
The murder, widely believed to have been instigated by Pyongyang, sparked a wider diplomatic row between Malaysian and North Korean authorities. On Monday, Pyongyang’s ambassador was expelled from the Southeast Asian nation.
According to KCNA, Malaysia’s embassy in Pyongyang has been informed of the exit ban.
It was unclear whether citizens from other nations were affected.