Kim Jong Nam the brother of North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un, was killed by two female assailants in the Kuala Lumpur airport on Monday. He had been living under Beijing’s protection in Macau, the gambling enclave and former Portuguese colony.
上周一,朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的同父异母长兄金正男(Kim Jong Nam)在吉隆坡机场被两名女刺客杀害。此前,金正男一直居住在澳门,受到北京方面的保护。澳门是葡萄牙前殖民地,是唯一允许赌博的中国行政区。
The death of the older Mr Kim follows the 2013 execution of his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, who was believed to favour closer ties with China.
在金正男被害之前,金正恩于2013年处决了他的姑父张成泽(Jang Song Thaek),据信此人支持与中国发展更紧密的关系。
China is North Korea’s main trading partner, and coal is one of its main imports from the country. Although China has co-operated with UN sanctions following past provocations from North Korea, it also argues against completely isolating the reclusive country for fear a crisis could send millions of refugees flooding across the border.
This is not China’s first ban on coal from its impoverished neighbour. In December, to formally comply with UN sanctions, it banned coal from North Korea for the remainder of 2016 but exempted any coal already in transit. A sharp surge in Chinese coal prices in 2016 attracted 22.5m tonnes from North Korea, up 15 per cent from the year before.
The short statement from the Ministry of Commerce said that the 2017 ban was in accordance with the UN sanctions announced last year. This time, it said the ban would include coal already in transit.
Additional reporting by Archie Zhang
张祺(Archie Zhang)北京补充报道