A state-run hospital in the southern province of Guizhou notified police last week when Yang Shaolei, its director of psychiatry, transferred all but one of his ward’s patients to a privately backed rival after submitting his resignation.
Over the weekend, Guihang 300 Hospital vowed to sue Dr Yang, attacking his actions as “an organised violation of medical consent and medical professional guidelines . . . which tramples on industry rules for healthy competition”.
上周末,贵航三〇〇医院(Guihang 300 Hospital)宣布将采取法律途径追究杨绍雷医生的责任,谴责其行为是“一起有计划、有组织,严重侵犯监护人知情选择权、恶意违反医务人员执业操守、恣意践踏行业良性竞争规则……的恶性事件”。
However, others have hailed Dr Yang as a champion of professional freedoms for China’s low-paid doctors, who are treated akin to civil servants with medical licences and are generally tied to a single hospital.
Reformers have tried to relieve the burdens on public hospitals, in part by encouraging investment of private capital into healthcare. In 2015, China’s health minister called on physicians to moonlight in the private sector where they can command higher salaries.
Yet while several high-profile private sector businesses have invested in hospitals, many say their public counterparts have prevented their best doctors from moving to private institutions.
“Local governments wouldn’t want to see that happening,” said He Jingwei, a professor at The Education University of Hong Kong. “They see that they have spent so much effort and resources in training doctors and want to keep them. Private healthcare in China is still very undeveloped.”
Reports compared the scene of Dr Yang loading his patients into ambulances as they moved to better conditions to the 1975 film One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, in which the character played by Jack Nicholson rails against poor conditions in a psychiatric hospital and encourages patients to escape. “Formally, there is nothing wrong with what he did,” a Shanghai orthopaedist surnamed Tan told the Financial Times.
媒体报道将杨绍雷医生把自己的病人带上救护车并转移至条件更好的医院,比作1975年电影《飞越疯人院》(One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)中的情节。在该片中,杰克•尼科尔森(Jack Nicholson)饰演的角色不满精神病院糟糕的环境,鼓励病友们逃出这里。“理论上,他做的没有任何错,”上海一名谭姓骨科医师对英国《金融时报》表示。
Local authorities said they were investigating the incident. Their response is being watched as a gauge of commitment to healthcare reforms.
Additional reporting by Xia Keyu
Xia Keyu补充报道