Zhao Chunhua, 51, was arrested on Oct. 12 whenpolice came to patrol Zhao's recreational shootingbooth.
Police discovered nine gun-shaped items, accessories and plastic bullets. They confirmed thatsix of the items were real guns powered by compressed gas.
Wang Yanling, Zhao's daughter, believes the guns were artificial, adding that she will appealto a higher court.
"My mother would not have touched them had she known they were considered real under thelaw," Wang exclaimed. Zhao operated the booth from August to October, according to theverdict.
A 2010 document on firearms identification, issued by the Ministry of Public Security,stipulates that guns able to fire bullets with a kinetic force of over 1.8 joules per squarecentimeter are considered illegal firearms.
However, that criterion has been questioned by some scholars, who argue that it is too lowand unreasonable a standard.
Meanwhile, for most ordinary people, the criterion is nothing but a vague figure, and noauthority has given a description of the injury force, according to a procuratorate daily reportin August.