Reserves fell $41.08 billion to $3.01 trillion thePeople’s Bank of China said in a statementSaturday. That matched a $3.01 trillion estimate in aBloomberg survey of economists.
China may take measures to keep its foreign-currency stockpile from slipping too far below thekey $3 trillion mark to avoid hurting investor confidence and spurring further declines in theyuan according to economists at major banks. Policy makers have recently rolled outextrarequirements for citizens converting yuan into other currencies after the annual $50000 quotafor individuals reset Jan. 1.
“China’s government is well positioned to control outflows more effectively if it wants tothough it may not want to be seen as reversing China’s ‘opening’ strategy” Wang Tao head ofChina economic research at UBS Group AG in Hong Kong wrote in a recent note. “In the longrun it may not have much choice if FX reserves fall more sharply on the back of intensifyingcapital outflow pressures.”
The decline of foreign exchange reserves in December was mainly because the central banksupplied funds to maintain balance in the foreign exchange market and the depreciation ofnon-U.S. dollar currencies the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said in a separatestatement on Saturday. For the full year of 2016 the SAFE said the central bank’s effort tostabilize the yuan was the key reason for the drop in reserves.
“The combination of policy-induced yuan stabilization and higher reporting requirements forhouseholds buying FX will buy the PBOC a little breathing room preventing escalating outflows inthe first month of the year” Tom Orlik chief Asia economist at Bloomberg Intelligence in Beijingwrote in a note.
位于北京的彭博智库的亚洲首席经济学家Tom Orlic表示:“受政策驱动的稳定人民币操作以及对家庭购买外汇提高申报要求的共同影响,央行在今年1月试图阻止货币加速流出的操作空间就变得非常小。”