A license that allows drivers to work for such appsin Beijing requires three tests, including a practicedriving test and two written exams - one for generaldriving knowledge and another for driving in Beijing,including the city's transport system and an Englishlistening test.
The new move came after China toughened regulations on its Uber-like apps in October, makingit even harder for drivers to get a license in megacities like Beijing and Shanghai. The driversare required to be locals and have local car plates.
Drivers are expected to master 26 polite sentences frequently used while providing taxiservices, such as "Welcome to Beijing!", "It's my pleasure to serve you" and "Would you like theair conditioning on?"
司机最好掌握提供出租车服务时常用的26句礼貌用语,如Welcome to Beijing!(欢迎来北京!)、It's mypleasure to serve you(很高兴为您服务)、Would you like the air conditioning on?(您需要打开空调吗?)。
The language requirement aims to serve Beijing's diverse population, including largeexpatriate communities. The accreditation examination is free of charge to all the applicants.
By narrowing down eligible drivers and cars, China moved ahead of other countries to give thepreviously murky industry legal status.