The visa, which allows holders to return for stays of up to 30 days during the period of validation, is named hallyu, after the Korean pop culture wave. Chinese tourists who buy specialized four-day travel packages costing 17,350 yuan or more can apply.
“韩流签证”的英文表达就是hallyu visa,是韩国“拉拢”中国游客的新招。这次的目标是中国的富有人群(affluent Chinese),据了解绝大部分中国游客以低价购物为主,韩国希望在这方面能有质的改善。“韩流”(hallyu)指的是韩国文化的流行(Korean pop culture wave)。
眼下中国元旦和春节将至,发放这一签证正值中国游客出游高峰(peak season for outbound Chinese tourism),除了签证措施外,韩国政府还准备了50多种旅游“高档商品”,包括提供5星级酒店、自由购物等,日程涵盖美容(beauty therapy)、体检(physical examination)、观看“韩流”和文艺表演、参加电影节等活动。