The tree has taken some shaking this year. Of the two companies that dominate the smartphone sector, Apple last quarter reported the first annual decline in iPhone sales volumes. Samsung has been burnt by the furore around the exploding Galaxy Note 7.
今年,这棵大树出现了些许颤动。作为在智能手机领域占主导地位的两家公司,苹果上一季度报告iPhone年度销量首次出现下滑,而三星(Samsung)还在承受Galaxy Note 7爆炸所引发激愤的煎熬。
More broadly, Gartner, the consultancy, forecasts smartphone sales to rise just 7 per cent this year, half the rate of 2015, adding to worries that the vast industry formed about the production of smartphones will soon be starved of growth.
“With sales of 1.5bn a year, smartphones are a monster market,” says Steven Pelayo, tech analyst at HSBC, who points to the relatively smaller PC and tablet markets. “It’s been a supercycle that has cannibalised everything. But what’s the next big driver?”
“一年销量达15亿部,智能手机是一个巨大市场,”汇丰(HSBC)科技分析师史蒂文•佩拉约(Steven Pelayo)说,他以相对较小的个人电脑和平板电脑市场为对比。“这是一个消化了一切的超级周期。但下一股巨大推力是什么?”
That question is ricocheting around the boardrooms and factory floors across Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China. Apple alone relies on more than 200 suppliers for its products, the vast majority based in Asia.
As chief executive of Japan Display, which generates 85 per cent of its revenues from smartphone makers and half from Apple, Mitsuru Homma knows the quandary only too well.
日本显示器公司(Japan Display, JDI)首席执行官本间充(Mitsuru Homma)最清楚这一窘境,该公司85%的收入都来自智能手机制造商,一半的收入来自苹果。
“If we stay with smartphones, then five to 10 years later JDI will probably no longer exist,” he says. “I feel very much the sense of crisis.”
Even the Japanese government, JDI’s main shareholder, is in agreement, he adds. The display maker is looking to diversify into supplying the devices linked to the internet of things and artificial intelligence.
Mr Homma sees opportunities in self-driving cars, which will require interactive screens and maybe entire smart dashboards as well as medical monitors where the highest resolution can be, literally, a matter of life or death, and virtual reality.
Cars also feature in Sony’s plans, along with the internet of things. The Japanese consumer electronics group staked its fortunes on image sensors and now boasts a 40 per cent market share by value. “Image sensors are input devices, so we believe there are new markets out there,” says Tsutomu Haruta, general manager. 在索尼(Sony)的规划中,汽车与物联网也占重要地位。这家日本消费电子集团将命运押在影像传感器上,如今自称
按价值算占有这一市场40%的份额。总经理春田勉(Tsutomu Haruta)表示:“影像传感器属于输入设备,因此我们相信这里存在新的市场。”
Sony’s advantages, according to Shoichi Kitayama, general manager, are that its sensors can see bikes and people in the dark and pictures remain sharp even in high temperatures. Come 2025, he says, the average car will have two or three image sensors. At the top end that will stretch to 10.
索尼汽车团队负责人北山尚一(Shoichi Kitayama)认为,索尼的优势在于,其传感器能在黑暗中看到自行车和行人,且图像即便在高温环境中也能保持锐利。他说,到2025年,每辆汽车平均将配备两或三个影像传感器,最多的将配备10个。
“The economies of scale will be comparable to smartphones and will come close in terms of wafers used,” he says.
But he concedes those markets are new and untested — and for now are going to be smaller than the smartphone bounty.
Quite substantially smaller on Mr Pelayo’s reckoning. The semiconductor content per car is forecast to double from $350 to $700 by 2020 — equivalent to adding more than two iPhones, with about $150 in chip content apiece, in the average car over the next four years, or roughly one-half of an iPhone every year.
With about 80m cars shipped a year, this would equate to about 40m more iPhones “or less than two weeks of smartphone production”.
The numbers pan out similarly miserably for other applications: the 2m virtual reality headsets expected to be sold this year; the 12m annual servers sold or even the 20m Apple watches.
Some are undeterred by the punier numbers, pointing out that smartphones are still in the picture for now, albeit growing slower and with an evolving modus operandi.
“You’ve got to look at what the smartphone brands are doing,” says Cherry Ma, tech analyst at CLSA. She spots two trends that will drive growth in certain areas: smartphone makers upgrading cameras, sound and aesthetics in an attempt to win share; and a consumer swing towards Chinese handset manufacturers.
里昂证券(CLSA)科技分析师Cherry Ma说:“你必须看看智能手机品牌在做什么。”她指出两大趋势将推动一些领域的增长:智能手机制造商升级摄像头、音效及外观,以图赢得市场份额;消费者转向中国手机制造商。
This year will see as many as 20 handsets featuring dual cameras offering better image quality, up from just one device last year. While global handset sales have grown 1-2 per cent this year, Chinese brands combined are growing at 20 per cent, she says.
“Even though the smartphone market is getting saturated, there is growth in dual camera phones so there are more image sensors in each phone,” says Sony’s Mr Haruta. He adds that while the number of smartphone players has been winnowed down, the top players are focused on cameras.
“Requests have changed, even among the Chinese smartphone manufacturers. They all want special cameras,” he says. “Even among the cheaper makers, they are also looking to expand into high-end and are at the stage where they want to add more value.”
That trend, which has been detrimental to Apple’s sales in China in particular, is helping buoy some of the top suppliers: not just those with brand names such as Sony, but also the companies investing in research and development to gain market share in niche or proprietary hardware.
Ms Ma points to Sunny Optical, which is ramping up quantity and quality of its camera modules; while the desire for better sound plays to AAC Technologies, the Hong Kong-listed Apple supplier that is beefing up capital expenditure.
Cheery Ma提到了舜宇光学科技(Sunny Optical)和瑞声科技(AAC Technologies)。前者不断提升其摄像模块的数量和质量,后者则受益于人们对更好音效的追求,这家香港上市的苹果供应商正在扩大资本支出。
Higher resolution and sound quality, added to more complicated specifications, means higher average prices for suppliers as well as boosting quantity, says Ms Ma. “With acoustics, there is no one standard design. Vendors have to come up with their own design, so have to spend a lot on R&D,” she says.
Cheery Ma表示,更复杂的技术参数、更高的分辨率和更完美的音质,对供应商而言意味着更高的平均价格,还可以增加销量。“在音响效果方面,没有统一的标准设计。供应商必须拿出自己的设计,因此不得不在研发上花很多钱,”她说。
That — like the brave new world of self-driving cars and self-filling washing machines — may help but a gap remains. Tech analysts have identified a plateau in smartphone design outside more incremental updates in advanced imaging, which means that many people are now happy to keep hold of the smartphones already in their pockets for longer.
At least until they are given a new, good reason to upgrade. Suppliers to the once-unstoppable smartphone makers will need to tighten their belts as they wait for the next wave of popular consumer innovation.
“Over time, we suspect supply chain growth will be driven by an ever broader array of products, but no individual segment will probably catch the smartphone market any time soon,” says Mr Pelayo.