The US Senate’s top Republican has backed a probe into allegations the Kremlin engaged in a hacking campaign to influence November’s election in the most serious break yet between president-elect Donald Trump and his party’s traditional Washington leaders.
美国参议院的共和党最高领导人支持对俄罗斯政府涉嫌参与黑客活动,以影响11月美国大选的指控展开调查。这是当选总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)与共和党在华盛顿的传统领导人之间迄今最严重的冲突。
Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, said Congress would investigate the allegations following the disclosure of a Central Intelligence Agency report which concluded that Russia hacked into Democratic National Committee servers in an effort to sway the election outcome in Mr Trump’s favour.
美国参议院多数党领袖米奇•麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)表示国会将对相关指控展开调查,此前中央情报局(CIA)披露一份报告,其结论是俄罗斯入侵美国民主党全国委员会(Democratic National Committee)服务器,让竞选结果偏向特朗普。
The president-elect, who has dismissed claims of Russian interference and belittled the CIA after the conclusions became public, took to Twitter yesterday to insist it was “hard to determine who was doing the hacking”.
“Can you imagine if the election results were the opposite and WE tried to play the Russia/CIA card,” he wrote. “It would be called conspiracy theory!”
Until now, many Republican leaders on who openly broke with Mr Trump during the campaign have fallen into line. After the CIA disclosure on Friday, John McCain and Lindsey Graham joined Democratic colleagues to call for a bipartisan inquiry, but both have long been seen as mavericks.
到目前为止,许多在竞选期间与特朗普公开撇清关系的共和党领导人都支持展开调查。上周五中情局公布结论后,约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)和林赛•格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)加入民主党同事阵营,呼吁展开一场两党调查,但这两人长期被视作共和党内的特立独行者。
Mr McConnell’s move to back the investigation is the first sign of open disagreement between the congressional leadership and the president-elect. The Kentucky senator said he supported two bipartisan investigations — by the Senate intelligence and armed services committees — saying he “strongly condemns” any foreign hacking and that “the Russians are not our friends”.
Critics question why Mr Trump is so reluctant to blame Russia despite US intelligence conclusions.
Mr McConnell also appeared to challenge the president-elect on his assessment of the CIA, which Mr Trump’s team initially ridiculed as “the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction”.
麦康奈尔还叫板了当选总统对中情局的评价;特朗普团队最初嘲笑“当初就是中情局这帮人说萨达姆•侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)有大规模杀伤性武器”。
Mr McConnell said: “I have the highest confidence in the intelligence community and especially the Central Intelligence Agency.” His support follows a steady build-up of bipartisan pressure for a probe into Russian hacking.