法国工业部长克里斯托夫•西吕格(Christophe Sirugue)表示,欧洲准备回击唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)政府的经济保护主义,拟采取的政策将类似于用来打击中国反竞争行为的政策。
Christophe Sirugue said Europe cannot be simply a “spectator” if Mr Trump follows through on his campaign promises, which include plans to tear up global trade deals and impose punitive tariffs and higher barriers to trade.
“If he adopts the protectionism that he promised during the campaign, Europe would need to react to that . . . [We would need to] invent tools to react,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times.
Mr Sirugue said the continent could employ similar fiscal and legislative tools as those used to fight against Chinese practices that are deemed anti-competitive, for example those used to combat dumping in the steel industry.
“How did we react to the Chinese? We did not close our borders. We did not say that protectionism was the response of Europe. We invented a tool that allows us to confront unfair practices abroad,” he said.
“There are fiscal tools, there are regulatory tools, there is a whole pallet of reforms that could be put in place [against the US].”
Mr Trump has focused his protectionist rhetoric on Asia and Mexico, threatening to impose a 45 per cent tariffs on goods from China and a similar 35 per cent levy on products imported from Mexico.
But there are concerns that this could have a ripple effect on Europe, or that his sights could be turned on Europe next.