Beijing this month introduced a registration system for express-delivery tricycles by standardizing the appearance of such vehicles and issuing safety instruction cards to couriers.
Insurance policies for the tricycles have also become a must for express-delivery companies.
此次北京市对快递三轮车的登记系统(registration system for express-delivery tricycles)实现了快递车辆的统一“着装”(unified appearance/coating)和统一编码(standardized registration number):三轮车车身上半部分均为白色,中间有蓝底白字的“快递”字样,编码由8位数字组成(eight-digit registration number),下半部分则保留快递企业各自的标志以及联系方式(the company's logo and contact information on the bottom half)。
除了对快递车辆进行规范,快递公司还要为快递员和车辆投保,同时对快递员进行强制培训。今后如果快递三轮车出现交通违法情况,交管部门可根据编码向对应的快递公司追责(traffic police officers will use such information to track down companies if an express-delivery tricycle is found breaking the law)。如果市民发现快递车辆有交通违法行为,可以向122举报(citizens can also report severe breaches of traffic rules through a hotline),也可以向快递行业协会举报。
快递员 courier
快递行业 express delivery industry
货到付款 cash on delivery(COD)/collect on delivery
快递包裹 express parcel
无人机快递 UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) express/drone delivery
自助快递箱 self-service parcel pickup machine
快递取件点 parcel pickup site