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Donald Trump was elected US president on a platform of anti-globalism and, in particular, on a promise to change or withdraw from America’s existing trade agreements and kill the ones in the pipeline.

唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)以反对全球化、特别是承诺改变或是退出美国现有贸易协定、并且扼杀筹备中贸易协定的竞选纲领,当选了美国总统。

The Trans-Pacific Partnership was already in trouble before the election; Trump’s victory seems to have given it the coup de grâce. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, meanwhile, now looks set to be stillborn.


That is, as far as US participation goes. What the American turn inwards means for the rest of the world is an open question. There are those who think the loss of US leadership on international economic integration will embolden protectionism elsewhere — especially as it comes on the heels of the protectionist vandalism that is Brexit — and sap the will of those who want to keep their economies open or even open them further. They will point to Europe, whose free-trade deal with Canada was passed by a whisker last month, and that only conditionally.


But there is another possibility, which is that victory of anti-globalism in the US and the UK galvanises others to fight harder for the continued lowering of national barriers.


Cue John Key, the prime minister of New Zealand. At the Apec (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit in Lima last week, he defiantly vowed to push ahead with trade integration in the Pacific. He suggested tweaking the deal to make it more attractive to the Trump administration — including, jokingly, by naming it the Trump-Pacific Partnership — but, more importantly, made clear that the other TPP partners should seriously consider going ahead with the deal even without US participation. Peru’s president, too, warned against protectionism and against giving up on the TPP.

比如新西兰总理约翰•基(John Key)。在上周于利马召开的亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会上,他公开发誓要推进太平洋地区的贸易一体化。他建议,调整协定内容以增加对特朗普政府的吸引力——包括,开玩笑地,把该协定命名为《特朗普太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trump-Pacific Partnership)——但更重要的是,他明确表示TPP其他伙伴国应该认真考虑,在没有美国参与的情况下继续推进该协定。秘鲁总统也告诫不要实行保护主义和放弃TPP。

Meanwhile, Beijing has responded nimbly to Trump’s election by encouraging America’s likely-to-be-spurned TPP partners to join it in building a free-trade area including China instead. The world’s second-largest economy is already involved in several regional trade initiatives that are beginning to be touted as alternatives to TPP. Australia is showing interest in the move, which would sideline the US.


It is a strange world when China becomes the champion of global economic openness. But it is an entirely logical one, if the US does indeed decide to abdicate leadership. As the FT’s Shawn Donnan puts it, when outgoing President Barack Obama met his counterparts at the Apec summit, he may have felt “he is handing the Chinese leader the keys to the global economy”. He quotes the Peterson Institute’s Adam Posen as pointing out that: “You can’t beat something with nothing, and the Chinese are offering something.”

中国成为全球经济开放的领头羊,这着实是个奇怪的世界。但如果美国确实决定放弃领导权,这个世界完全符合逻辑。正如英国《金融时报》的肖恩•唐南(Shawn Donnan)指出的那样,在即将离任的美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在APEC峰会上与其他领导人会面时,他可能觉得“他正在把全球经济的钥匙交给中国领导人”。他援引彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)的亚当•波森(Adam Posen)的话指出:“你不能两手空空地打败对方,而中国人在拿出一点东西。”

To anyone who cares to notice, this brings home the continued importance of global integration but also who, in particular, leads the integration effort. The “something” that China offers is much less ambitious than the TPP — in particular, it will not include that deal’s seminal provisions on labour and environmental standards. Moreover, trade integration led by Beijing instead of the US will mean trade integration on terms more suitable to China. That must surely be inferior — for the US and its allies — to the US-led terms and standards for Asia-Pacific economic integration to which China would eventually have to adapt, which was the big strategic prize of the TPP.


That makes Pacific trade one aspect of the bigger picture of America’s interest in the rules-based global order that it has built and maintained since the second world war — which has served it and its allies better than the alternatives of international anarchy or an order designed by its big power rivals. “America first”, in global politics, could quickly reveal itself as “America last”. And, as Leonard Cohen, the late poet of an imperfect world, said in an interview a few years ago: you will not like what comes after America.

这使得太平洋贸易成了美国在基于规则的全球秩序中的整体利益的一个方面(这个全球秩序由美国自二战后逐渐建立并维持,相比国际无政府状态或由美国的强大对手设计的秩序等其他选择而言,该秩序更有利于美国及其盟友)。在全球政治中,“美国领头”可能会很快变成“美国最后”。同时,正如抒写不完美世界的已故诗人莱昂纳德•科恩(Leonard Cohen)在多年前接受采访时说的:你不会喜欢失去美国后的样子。

America’s choice is ultimately the most consequential. But the more immediate battles between openness and withdrawal from the global economy are taking place in Europe. Partly, of course, in the process of Brexit, where the fight is on over how much to raise trade barriers between the UK and its biggest trading partner. But also because the EU itself is actually contributing to the cause of trade openness through two substantial deals.


One is Ceta, the fraught EU-Canada trade and investment agreement that is finally passed, at least conditionally, after a Walloon hold-up. That was widely seen as an embarrassment for Europe. But we should be clear about what the final result involved: that a big trade liberalisation package was exposed to real and messy democratic scrutiny — and that it survived the exposure. In these times, where democracy is seen as antagonistic to economic openness, that is something to celebrate.


The other, much less talked about, effort is the EU-Japan free-trade deal. Mysteriously absent from the headlines, negotiations have been taking place for three and a half years and are nearing completion. Some think that, in pure economic terms, the prospective gains are bigger than could be had from TTIP. The two sides have still to agree on phasing out protection of Europe’s car market against lower barriers in food and agriculture in Japan.


Brexit focused minds; Trump’s victory must have focused them further. It is in Japan’s and the EU’s narrow self-interest to conclude the deal. But it is also in the broader defence of their values, and the liberal global order, that they do so with confidence and without further delay.



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