安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)是欧洲最后一位还站着的领导人。这位德国总理已宣布,她会寻求在明年选举中获得第四个总理任期。而不久之前,德国反移民的民粹主义者——德国新选择党(Alternative for Germany)——走上街头时,她似乎可能因为移民危机下台。如今,随着一场特朗普风暴席卷大西洋对岸,没有默克尔的德国和欧洲似乎是不可想象的。
Ms Merkel’s carefully conditional reaction to Donald Trump’s victory voiced what most European leaders think but are too fearful to say about the US president-elect. Her words bear repetition. “Germany and the US are tied by values. Democracy, freedom, respect for the rule of law and the dignity of humankind — independent of origin, skin colour, gender, sexual orientation or political views.” Berlin would work closely with the new administration, she said, “on the basis of those values”.
默克尔对唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)获胜的有条件的谨慎反应,道出了大多数欧洲领导人心里所想、但不敢说出的对这位当选美国总统的看法。她的话值得重复。“德国和美国是通过价值观捆绑在一起的。民主、自由、尊重法治和人类尊严——无论出身、肤色、性别、性取向或政治观点如何。”她说,柏林方面将“在这些价值观的基础上”与美国新政府密切合作。
Visiting the German capital this week, I caught the mix of pain and resolve conveyed by the chancellor. Pain because Germany sees itself as the guardian of the postwar international order so disdained by Mr Trump. It has not forgotten what came before. And Ms Merkel, born in the then communist east, knows all about freedom. Resolve because this Germany and this chancellor will not pay fealty to the president if his agenda is written by white supremacists.
It was left to Boris Johnson, Britain’s inestimably silly foreign secretary, to offer a counter view. Mr Trump is an opportunity, he boomed. The president-elect has promised to dissolve the transatlantic security relationship, strike a dirty deal with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and derail the global trading system. Yet, even as the geopolitical plates crash and grind, Mr Johnson declares all to be well: Mr Trump might favour Britain with a post-Brexit trade deal.
轮到极其幼稚的英国外交大臣鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)发表相反观点了。特朗普提供了一个机会,他大声说。这位当选总统承诺要解除跨大西洋安全关系,与俄罗斯的弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)达成肮脏的协议,还要推翻全球贸易体系。然而,就在地缘政治板块发生碰撞和挤压时,约翰逊宣告一切都很好:特朗普或许会偏向英国,在英国脱欧之后跟英国签订一份贸易协议。
The less palatable strategic reality is that, as a European power with widely scattered global interests, Britain relies more than most on a rules-based order to underwrite its prosperity and keep the peace. Mr Trump says he has had enough of this “globalism”, and will replace it with “Americanism”. This at the moment Britain is marginalising itself in Europe.
It was scarcely surprising then that Barack Obama chose Berlin for his farewell meeting with European leaders this week. Ms Merkel, the US president says, has been his “closest international partner”. François Hollande is also saying his goodbyes. So, too, Matteo Renzi and Theresa May. But these three are making up the numbers. The French president will soon be gone, the Italian prime minister faces his own populist revolt and the British premier has time for nothing besides the convulsions promised by Brexit.
难怪巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)上周把与欧洲领导人的告别会地点选在了柏林。这位美国总统表示,默克尔一直是他的“最亲密的国际合作伙伴”。弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)也在向奥巴马道别。马泰奥•伦齐(Matteo Renzi)和特里萨•梅(Theresa May)也一样。但这三人是凑数的。法国总统不久后将卸任,意大利总理面临着本国的民粹主义反叛,英国首相没有时间处理除英国脱欧必定带来的震动之外的任何事情。
Publicly, Mr Obama has sought to offer reassurance. His successor will not abandon the Atlantic alliance, geopolitical realities will impose themselves, the US is unlikely to surrender leadership. So the story goes. Mr Trump’s disdain for Nato and his admiration for Mr Putin, however, have roots deeper than the election campaign. Ms Merkel — I watched her speaking to the German employers’ federation — is comfortable talking about the values that sustain our civilisation. Mr Trump does deals.
The potential transatlantic collisions speak for themselves. The EU is preparing to renew the sanctions imposed on Mr Putin after Russia’s annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine. Some members of the Union have never been comfortable with the commercial costs of the sanctions. Hungary’s authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, prefers to pay homage to Mr Putin. But Ms Merkel has marshalled the 28 behind a common position. To do otherwise would be to concede that, once again, Europe’s borders can be changed by force.
潜在的跨大西洋冲突是不言而喻的。在俄罗斯吞并克里米亚、入侵乌克兰东部之后,欧盟(EU)正准备对普京采取新的制裁。有些欧盟成员国一直对制裁的商业成本感到不舒服。匈牙利的威权总理欧尔班•维克托(Viktor Orban)更愿意向普京表示敬意。但默克尔统领欧盟28个成员国达成了一个共同立场。如若不然将意味着承认,欧洲的边界可以再度靠武力更改。
A deal between Messrs Trump and Putin to accept Moscow’s revanchism would at once overturn the security settlement that has prevailed since 1945 and point to a future in which Europe is divided again between competing spheres of influence. Mr Putin probably does not want to seize the Baltics, Georgia or Belarus. He does want to make sure that Russia’s neighbours act only with its permission. Where, in the long term, does this leave Poland, a nation that under its present, reactionary, leadership asks its western partners to underwrite its security even as it repudiates their democratic values?
Mr Trump will not get everything his own way. He has promised to tear up the UN agreement limiting Iran’s nuclear programme — a plan that would give hardliners in Tehran the go-ahead to resume efforts to secure a bomb. The president-elect should not expect European governments to follow suit if the US seeks to restore the sanctions regime. Nuclear non-proliferation matters to Europeans. Mr Trump is on record as saying he would be unfussed if Japan or South Korea decided to build their own bombs.
Europe is in a wait-and-see mode. How many of the campaign pledges will carry through into government? The choice looks to be one between a bad outcome and a very bad one. Europeans have struggled for some time to uphold their values against authoritarians without and populists within. The danger now comes from across the Atlantic. It falls to Ms Merkel to speak for what during the past seven decades we have known as the west.