韩国首尔——韩国人气歌手李承哲(Lee Seung Chul)近日在Twitter上说了一个他称为苦中作乐的笑话,反映了该国公众对总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)丑闻的愤怒之情。
“If Hillary is elected, the United States will have its first female president. If Trump is elected, it will have its first crazy president,” went the joke, which was widely shared online. “South Korea got both in 2012.”
Park’s 2012 victory was hailed as a milestone for South Korea’s deeply patriarchal society. But four years later, pressure is mounting across the country and even from within her own party for Park to step down or face impeachment. This week, she became South Korea’s first sitting president to be accused by prosecutors of a criminal conspiracy.
The scandal surrounding Park has left many South Korean women infuriated with the president and fearful that it could be used to argue that women are unfit to lead. They worry that the country, already among the lowest in global gender-equality rankings, could become even more resistant to elevating women to positions of power.
“We have had more than our share of outrageous male politicians,” said Kim Yun-jeong, 22, who had a placard that said “Park Geun-hye, OUT!” at a recent demonstration in Seoul, the capital. “But I feel men now saying, behind our back and with a smirk on their faces, ‘See! This is what we get when we have a woman president for a change.'”
“韩国令人憎恶的男性政客已经太多。但我觉得,男人们现在在我们的背后,皮笑肉不笑地说,‘看!当我们换个口味选女总统的时候,下场就会是这样。’”22岁的金尹贞(Kim Yun-jeong,音)说。她参加了首都首尔近日举行的一次示威活动,手里举着“朴槿惠,下台!”的标语。
Park’s troubles stem from her decades of ties to Choi Soon-sil, a daughter of Choi Tae-min, the founder of a fringe religious sect who had befriended Park in the 1970s. Choi Soon-sil was indicted Sunday on charges of using her influence with Park to extort millions from businesses. Prosecutors said Park was an accomplice of Choi, but she is protected by the constitution from criminal indictment.
朴槿惠的麻烦源于她和崔顺实(Choi Soon-sil)几十年来的交往。崔顺实的父亲崔太敏(Choi Tae-min)是一个边缘宗教教派的创始人,在1970年代和朴槿惠结识。崔顺实周日被指控利用和朴槿惠的关系从企业敲诈了数以百万计美元的资金。检察官说,朴槿惠是崔顺实的同谋,但由于有宪法保护,她没有遭受刑事起诉。
Park has agreed to submit to an inquiry. But on Tuesday, her lawyer, Yoo Yeong-ha, tried to use Park’s gender as a shield, saying she was “a woman before being president” and that her “privacy as a woman” should be protected from prosecutors who sought to question her.
朴槿惠同意接受询问。但在本周二,她的律师柳荣夏(Yoo Yeong-ha)试图使用她的性别作为挡箭牌,称她“在成为总统之前是个女人”,她“作为女人的隐私”应该受到保护,不被试图询问她的检察官知晓。
Women’s groups were having none of it.
“They are not investigating her privacy as a woman but her acts of destroying constitutional order as president,” a group of women’s advocacy organizations said in a joint statement. (Yoo declined to elaborate on what Park’s privacy had to do with the investigation.)
South Korea’s women have been just as loud as its men in denouncing Park. Recent polls have found her to be deeply unpopular among both men and women.
And in the huge protests that have filled central Seoul over the past four weekends, women have often led peaceful marches — an unusual sight in South Korea, where anti-government demonstrations often feature men clashing with riot police officers.
During a Nov. 12 rally that attracted 1 million people by some estimates, a student from the Sacred Heart Girls’ High School in Seoul, Park’s alma mater, took the podium. “You have become an object of shame for us,” the student said of Park, prompting wild cheers from the crowd. “We can no longer tolerate you representing our nation.”
11月12日的一场游行估计吸引了100万人参加,一名来自朴槿惠的母校首尔圣心女子高中(Sacred Heart Girls’ High School)的学生走上了讲台。“你已经成为我们的耻辱,”这名学生如此说朴槿惠,引发了人群的热烈欢呼。“我们不能再容忍你代表我们的国家。”
So far, Park’s gender has not been an outright issue in the scandal, but it has colored the outrage. Older conservative men who have turned against Park since the scandal often disdainfully refer to her as an “unfilial daughter.”
Online, men have attacked Park and Choi by invoking an old Korean diatribe against assertive women: “If a hen crows, the household collapses.” (When a man used that phrase at a recent protest, it set off both cheers and boos from the crowd.)
In the local news media, photographs have emerged that show urinals painted with images of Park and Choi. People have derided Choi, who has no background in government or policymaking, as an “ajumma,” or homemaker, “from Gangnam,” a Seoul district often associated with affluence and moral weakness.
“President Park is taken as evidence that women are not qualified for politics,” a feminist group said last week, protesting what it called gender prejudices tainting the campaign against Park.
Park has seldom spoken of her gender. But she has styled herself after her mother, Yuk Young-soo, who is seen as a symbol of feminine sacrifice among older Koreans. The former first lady was fatally shot in 1974 by a pro-North Korean assassin who had targeted her husband. For decades, Park’s hairstyle has reminded people of her mother.
朴槿惠很少拿自己的性别说事。但是她模仿了母亲陆英修(Yuk Young-soo)的着装风格。这位前第一夫人被老一辈人视为女性自我牺牲精神的象征,1974年,一名支持朝鲜的刺客在行刺她丈夫时将她枪杀。几十年来,朴槿惠的发型一直让人们想起她的母亲。
She has also built a muscular political reputation in what some analysts have called an attempt to dispel the notion that a female leader would be weak on security issues. She has been hawkish on North Korea, predicting its collapse and promising military retaliation if provoked. At home, she has been a disciplinarian, stressing national order and calling her critics “unclean forces.”
Her upbringing and manners have led critics to accuse her of acting with a sense of entitlement. Those accusations have carried a powerful punch in South Korea, where many have grown disillusioned with so-called imperial male leaders in politics and in the corporate world, and expected a less rigid style from the first female president. Many of the most bitter criticisms have come from other women.
Park once sat motionless in the rain, waiting for an aide to step forward and pull her hood over her head, according to the aide, Jeon Yeo-ok, who later parted ways with Park and caused a sensation when she recounted the tale. “She is the kind of woman who would wear her crown to a nightclub,” Jeon said in 2012.
据后来与朴槿惠分道扬镳的助手田丽玉(Jeon Yeo-ok)讲述,朴槿惠曾一动不动地在雨中坐着,等待助手上前给她戴上兜帽。“她是那种去夜总会也会带着王冠的女人,”田丽玉在2012年写道。她当时讲述的故事在韩国引发强烈的反应。