对唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)来说,在就职后与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)达成某种协议的吸引力又多又明显。俄罗斯对美国全球主导地位的挑战是美国外交政策议程上最尖锐的议题。
Defusing tension with a nuclear-armed rival is a laudable goal. Politically, striking a deal would go a long way towards turning Mr Trump from a tycoon, entertainer and political outsider into a statesman.
The world must hope that Mr Trump also sees the huge risks inherit in any grand bargain with Russia.
Mr Putin wants to tear down the current US-backed political order in Europe and indeed worldwide, which he sees as unfair and inimical to Russia’s interests. A softening of the international constraints that restrict his ambitions might deliver a temporary thaw in US-Russian relations. But it could also undermine long-term US and western interests and undercut security and stability elsewhere.
Multilateral co-operation, in Mr Putin’s vision, would be replaced by a world carved up into the great powers’ spheres of influence. In such a world Moscow would have a free hand in much of the former Soviet space. Mr Trump, for his part, must reject any attempt to reproduce the 1945 Yalta conference in the modern day. To do so would seem to reward Russia’s annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine. That could set a dangerous precedent, emboldening powerful nations elsewhere. It would undermine, too, the principle established since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and enshrined in the 1990 Paris Charter, that European countries are free to choose their policies and alliances.
按照普京的愿景,多边合作将被一个由大国势力范围划分的世界取代。在这样一个世界,莫斯科可以在前苏联空间的很多地方为所欲为。从特朗普来说,他必须抵制任何再现1945年雅尔塔会议的企图。因为那将被看作对俄罗斯吞并克里米亚和入侵乌克兰东部的奖励,进而开创一个危险的先例,给其他地区的强国壮胆。这还将破坏自柏林墙倒塌以来确立的、载入1990年《巴黎宪章》(Paris Charter)的原则:欧洲国家可以自由选择各自的政策和联盟。
Ukraine, in particular, must not be sold out. This could prompt the collapse of its pro-western government. Other nations in the Russian sphere might similarly refuse to submit. In dealings with Mr Putin, therefore, the incoming US president should follow several principles.
First, his administration should make its commitment to Nato, a pillar of European and global security since its 1949 foundation, absolute and unequivocal. The alliance should accelerate its existing efforts to ensure all member states meet minimum defence spending targets. But the US commitment to defend even the newest and smallest Nato members must remain unconditional.
Second, Mr Trump should not, as he hinted during his campaign, drop sanctions on Russia — undermining solidarity with Europe and Japan — without progress on the issues over which they were imposed. He should not recognise Russia’s claim to Crimea, whose occupation was a blatant breach of international law.
Just as when the west refused to recognise the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states, respecting these bright lines does not rule out pursuing a new form of detente in other areas. Mr Trump should not immediately put all issues on the table, but seek to make gradual progress on specific topics, helped by confidence-building measures. Syria is one area where renewed US-Russian co-operation is a prerequisite to end the conflict, although the resumption of raids on Aleppo demonstrate Russian intractability.
In dealing with Moscow, Mr Trump should place just as much importance on the rights and interests of Russia’s neighbours as he does on those of Russia. With tension at its highest level since the 1980s, the prize of improved relations with Russia is significant. It cannot be achieved by caving in to Moscow’s terms, however. Whatever the risks today, a bad deal with Mr Putin would be worse than none at all.