过去30年中,多位东南亚领导人相继被认为代表了该地区地缘政治的新方向。先是马来西亚的马哈蒂尔•穆罕默德(Mahathir Mohamad),之后是泰国的他信•西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)和印度尼西亚的苏西洛•班邦•尤多约诺(Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono)。
In the end, none was able to revamp the region and its relationship with the world. But Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines’ new president, may be the first Asian leader to ask the right questions about the future of the region.
到头来,没有一个人能改变该地区及其与世界的关系。但是菲律宾新总统罗德里戈•杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)或许是首位就该地区的未来提出正确问题的亚洲领导人。
He made headlines during a trip to Beijing last month by announcing his country’s “separation” from the US and a coming embrace with China. Then he went to Japan, where he called for American troops to leave the Philippines within two years and assured the Japanese that he was not pursuing a military alliance with China.
Those outside the region have expressed shock at Mr Duterte’s words, and have deemed him naive at best, dangerous at worst. But this reveals an unwillingness to look beyond the western-led order, spearheaded by the US, as the “natural” state of things.
Mr Duterte is raising questions about who has power, how it is wielded and what self-determination would look like for smaller nations. 关于谁拥有权力、权力如何被使用以及自主对小国来说意味着什么,杜特尔特提出了一些问题。
Despite his penchant for blunt language, his different tack has already had results. Take the territorial dispute in the South China Sea. The administration of Benigno Aquino, Mr Duterte’s predecessor, rejected any compromise, arguing instead that history and legal precedent meant that it owned islands such as the Scarborough Shoal. China, unsurprisingly, claimed that history and legal precedent supported its own claims.
尽管他喜欢直言,但他截然不同的策略已经起到了效果。以南中国海上的领土争端为例。杜特尔特的前任、贝尼尼奥•阿基诺三世(Benigno Aquino III)政府拒绝任何妥协,认为历史和法律判例说明菲律宾拥有斯卡伯勒浅滩(Scarborough Shoal,中国称黄岩岛——译者注)等岛屿的主权。不出意料,中国声称历史和法律判例支持中方的领土主张。
As tensions increased, there was no evidence that Manila’s strategy was working, especially as the country aligned itself with the US, a prospect that is anathema to China.
By making his trip to Beijing, and eliciting a reciprocal great show of respect, Mr Duterte has done everyone a favour by cooling things down in the South China Sea. He also returned with billions of dollars in development aid and investment promises. Last week, China quietly stopped blocking Filipino fishermen from accessing the Scarborough Shoal.
If all it took was a few polite words and some common sense to defuse the situation, one wonders why no one thought to do it earlier. Perhaps we can call this “Asian-style” diplomacy.
China and the Philippines have a relationship far older than the Philippines’ relationship with the US, and one free of histories of colonialism. China is also re-emerging as the economic and cultural centre of East Asia.
We can even understand Mr Duterte’s attitude to China using the Asian concept of “face”. By heralding Beijing as the focal point for a different economic, political and cultural order, Mr Duterte accorded it a lot of prestige. And, in return, China is willing to support the new Filipino president, perhaps by receding from the issues that divide them. Many in the west — with their focus on credibility, “rational” interests and power as a zero-sum game — will always miss relationships based on prestige and mutual benefit.
The larger point is that the concept of Pax Americana is outdated. The world is increasingly abandoning the view of the US as the sole (and self-appointed) protector of global peace and prosperity. In fact, the idea that America should not be a world policeman resonates with large numbers of people in the US. The world may want other countries to share that responsibility with the US or, perhaps, to replace it. Mr Duterte is the first in Asia to do something about it.
从更广泛层面来说,“美国治下的和平”(Pax Americana)的概念已经过时。世界正在逐渐抛弃美国是全球和平和繁荣的唯一(和自封的)保护者的观点。事实上,美国国内有很多人赞同美国不应该充当世界警察的观点。世界可能希望有其他国家与美国共同承担责任,又或者取而代之。杜特尔特是亚洲第一个在这方面有所动作的领导人。
Just because the Philippines is turning away from an American-led order does not mean it is rejecting the west or the US. Mr Duterte himself said that he is calling for a “separation of foreign policy” rather than “a severance of ties”.
Those who worry about Mr Duterte betray a belief that the Philippines and other Asian countries must choose between an affinity for the US and an affinity for China — and not, as perhaps would be best, express their self-determination by finding some affinity with both. 那些对杜特尔特感到忧心忡忡的人,透露出一种观念,即菲律宾及其他亚洲国家必须在亲美和亲华之间做出选择,不能——这或许最好——通过找到既亲美又亲华的立场来表达他们的独立自主。
Since Mr Duterte’s visit to Beijing, one must assume that other Asian leaders are watching closely to see where he takes his country and the region. His views on self-determination are shared by many who are resentful of being subservient in the hegemonic geopolitical system but have believed until now that they are helpless.
The world order will change further as more leaders make the same choices as Mr Duterte. Those used to the status quo should get used to it.
The writer is founder and chief executive of The Global Institute for Tomorrow
本文作者是全球未来研究所(Global Institute for Tomorrow)创始人及总裁