跨国公司已经习惯于在美国或欧盟法院打漫长而艰难的法律战,而且这些官司通常会带来全球后果。如今,它们应该为新出现的第三个战场做好准备——中国。两周前,名不见经传的加拿大公司Wilan Inc在中国东部南京市对索尼(Sony)提起诉讼,指控这家日本集团的LTE标准智能手机使用的技术涉嫌专利侵权。
Wilan is what critics call a “patent troll”, a company that collects payments from other companies on its intellectual property but produces little if anything itself. If Wilan wins, Sony could be barred from selling and exporting its LTE handsets as early as next summer. The potential ban on exports is the real threat, given China’s pivotal role in almost all global manufacturing chains.
Imagine a similar suit with the same potential consequences, only with an Apple or a Samsung cast as the defendant. The impact on consumers would be enormous. A new corporate era beckons in which a Chinese judge could conceivably cut off the lifeblood of some of the world’s most valuable companies.
It was not so long ago that China’s legal system just did not factor into the risk calculus of most global companies. When entering into contracts with Chinese parties, foreign companies tended to insist that disputes be heard in overseas arbitration venues — including Hong Kong. Then they hoped that they never had cause to resort to arbitration given the difficulty of enforcing judgments back in China.
August 2013 is arguably when this began to change. That was when the National Development and Reform Commission fined six baby formula manufacturers — five of them foreign — more than $100m in a landmark enforcement of China’s young anti-monopoly law.
The NDRC announced its decision in a terse statement that shed little light on the reasons underpinning its findings. It basically said the six companies were guilty of various infractions, had confessed their guilt and would not contest the fines. The announcement reinforced the impression of China as a jurisdiction where such decisions were capricious — and credible legal appeals not an option. In that same month, however, a much lower profile case in Shanghai highlighted how quickly China’s legal system was evolving, making it a much more serious jurisdiction for dealing with corporate disputes.
Once again the foreign defendant lost. The Shanghai High Court ruled that Johnson & Johnson’s medical devices arm had, in contravention of China’s anti-monopoly law, set a “minimum retail price” for its local distributors. But the court also issued a voluminous ruling detailing the reasons for its verdict. In doing so, it overruled a similarly detailed lower-court ruling in favour of the US company.
在这起案件中,外国被告方再次输掉了诉讼。上海高级人民法院判决,强生(Johnson & Johnson)的医疗设备公司对当地经销商“限制最低转售价格”,此举违反了中国反垄断法。但是,该法院也公布了篇幅较长的判决书,详细解释了作出该判决的原因。如此一来,它推翻了下级法院作出的同样详细、但有利于强生的判决。
The legal back-and-forth was as substantive as any coming out of a US or EU case. It quickly became fodder for equally dense analyses by lawyers expert in the field. Nor was it a simple matter of a foreign plaintiff ending up on the wrong side of a Chinese court judgment. While J&J lost, it was ordered to pay only a fraction of the damages sought — Rmb530,000 ($77,300) against a claim of Rmb14.4m.
The manner in which the J&J case was adjudicated also hints at a potential miscalculation by Wilan, which filed its suit against Sony in the city that was the scene of the worst Japanese war crime in China during the second world war — the Rape of Nanking. “Some would say that’s clever but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Nanjing courts, which have a good reputation, bend over backwards to be nice to Sony,” says Joe Simone, a Hong Kong-based intellectual property rights specialist. “They don’t want to be seen as a place to go and spear Japanese companies.”
强生案审判的方式也暗示了Wilan可能的误算,后者针对索尼提起诉讼的城市正是二战时日本在华犯下最严重的战争罪行——南京大屠杀——的地方。“有人会说此举很聪明,但如果拥有良好声誉的南京法院努力公正对待索尼,我也不会感到意外,”常驻香港的知识产权专家乔•西莫内(Joe Simone)表示,“他们不想被视为人们可以去攻击日本企业的地方。”
The NDRC baby formula ruling remains instructive. It would be a foolish multinational that dared to take on a Chinese government regulator in the country’s Communist party-controlled court system and expect to win. But when it comes to corporate litigation, the Wilan and J&J cases show that China is an increasingly important jurisdiction that multinationals ignore at their peril.